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How to: How To: Drivers Exterior Door Handle Replacement

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Right on just what i did on my truck i just took it down to ford to get it painted

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1994 explorer door handel

will these instructions work for a 1994 explorer xlt. i too have no door handel on the drivers side. my brother and i tried for 3 hours to put the thing in. we got it in but it still wouldn't open the door. the parts in mine look similar to the pics u have but i just want to make sure that it will work before tackling it again.

wanted to add this, if you are using the big rivets (i think they are 1/4) and putting them in with the two handled rivet gun, put a piece of cardboard under the door handle. that way when the rivet pops, and the shaft of the rivet breaks away, the gun won't nick the paint, or worst, side down the door, and i know there are a few of us that have done this before!

i have to add this onto my "todo" list on my 95! i might go the route of replacing the springs to avoid paint mis-match

will these instructions work for a 1994 explorer xlt. i too have no door handel on the drivers side. my brother and i tried for 3 hours to put the thing in. we got it in but it still wouldn't open the door. the parts in mine look similar to the pics u have but i just want to make sure that it will work before tackling it again.

Not sure if this will work on a 1st gen or not. I suspect the process might be similar, but obviously, there will be differences specific to the 1st gen.

I've only done this on my 99' so I can only guess.


are those the two springs that break/ fall off?


You mentioned the lock not going all the way up, mine does that and won't lock. I can lock it but still open the driver side door. Could I have the same problem?

I don't think that it is very likely that you have the same problem, but the only way to find out is if you are missing the spring or not.

Here's the pictures of my passenger driver handle springs. I just happened to be looking at this project last month and took some pictures of the good handle for reference. No pictures of the broken springs though, sorry.

Oops, accidental double post.

Latch Assembly

Thank you for the gudiance on this article. As far as the replacement part if I'm replacing the entire assembly, is this know as the "door latch assembly"? thanks


*BUMP* This SH*T needs to be stickied fosho!! I'm having huge problems with my drivers side door handle on my 99. I can only unlock the doors (both of them; the passenger lock is f-ed up too) from the rear hatch, by opening and unlocking them from the switch in back. This is such a huge pain because my job requires me to be in and out of my truck all the time. My drivers side handle is loose and floppy but I don't know why the passenger lock is froze. Someone at my stealership here told it would cost 70 bucks just to look at the problem, cuz its electrical and they need to run a diagnostic.....i thinks thats BS

anyone know the part number for just the replacement spring?

nvm i'm just gonna use a random spring.

Additional 2 cents

I just replaced the drivers side exterior handle on my 1999 Sport. I can attest to a few additional things --

1. The two rivets that fasten the exterior handle on the door are aluminum and fairly easy to drill/punch out.

2. Apparently, the Sport (two door) interior sheet metal is slightly different than those in four door models, in that the yellow&white plastic linkage clip (see photo) is positioned very close to the latch and can only be reached to open it by cutting a 1X1-inch access hole in the interior door sheet metal, near the latch. As the interior trim covers this area when back in place, I didn't worry about resorting to this seemingly radical procedure.

3. 1/4 by 5/8-inch round head machine bolts are just right to fit the new exterior handle on the door, if you don't want to use rivets.

4. The plastic linkage clip is easy to close again with fingertip pressure when you've got the new handle in place.

replacing handle and troubles unlocking

Hey williecume,

I too am havign issue unlocking my door with key, keypad, and keyless enter device. Recently my handle spring broke and became loose.. I was wondering how you fixed your deal..


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help..spring broke door locks..and handle is loose

i found a spring that was shown earlier in the post..with then end broke door keeps locking drivers side and is very hard to unlock with the key and also hard to unlock by using the handle takes 20 minutes of using the key to get it to unlock...but i did find that spring...broke..
im confused where that spring goes..
