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Completed Project Hydraulic Ram Assist Steering

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FST finished installing they hydraulic assist ram on the Pumpkin. I bought the modified steering box from CoryL who originally purchased a kit from

Cory kept the ram, so FST used a Howe, ram and steel braided hoses. The mounting is all custom fabrication.

At this time the power steering pump is still stock. That won't do as it doesn't have enough oomph to power both systems. It works, but not well smoothly enough.

In testing we put the tire against a wall and pushed pushed the whole truck sideways with the steering! I also made figure 8s in their parking lot with the front ARB locked and it worked... except, I blew the cap off the P/S pump, soaked the exhaust with fluid and actually started a bit of an under the hood blaze! Thank goodness for my well positioned halon fire extinguisher. It had the fire out in seconds with none of that white powder residue.

I'm dropping off a P/S pump core at Benchworks tomorrow. They will do a high performance rebuild on it which will increase the pressure and volume, after that it should be good to go!

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I'm also interested in what has to be done to the stock explorer pump in order to run this set up.

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"Additionally FST added a Howe power steering pump and cooler which complete the system"....a quote from the initial build up page....

Howe stuff is $$$ A new gearbox for my Explorer from them = $745:confused:
The pump was $310

I just bought an AGR pump and gearbox both for $530. I'm very eager to see how it works....

Is it possible to fit a ram assist on explorer 97? This truck is not a solid axle in front.

Is it possible to fit a ram assist on explorer 97? This truck is not a solid axle in front.
You can try but where on the knucle would you tie the hhydro cylinder to? Plus you'd need two cylinnders, one for each side. With all the fabrication and hydro parts cost, I think it'd be easier to just boost the pressure and volume by swapping in a larger displacement pump with a modied flow piston.
