I hope it gets here soon! | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I hope it gets here soon!

Hey guys! I just wanted to thank you for the warm welcome.
Sorry I havent been on here for a while, Im still learning my way around.
My mounty still isnt here yet, but I get to drive dads whenever I want, so life isnt all that bad.

From what I heard you and your brother will only get to drive the "valet tune" version of his mounty, which is going to have the speed and rev limiters set real low, but it will probably still be way faster than my mounty running my full performance tune, and on it's race diet.

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Hi Bryan and welcome to Explorer Forum

Welcome...now help us keep your Dad in line!!! It's a tough job, so we need all the help we can get....:D:D:D

Oh, and thank you for serving our country!!!:salute:

Welcome...now help us keep your Dad in line!!! It's a tough job, so we need all the help we can get....:D:D:D

now we just need to get Sue or Rachel an Explorer to keep you in line.. :D

Well finally-it is on the way!!!!

I just thought I'
d post these up for Bryan since I just now got them.

Let's see how long this really takes-it's supposed to be coming straight here--


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I thought it would be coming in on a semi.

I know the answer to when it will be there. The day Chrissy has the baby.

I see them transport like that all the time. I also see them with the 5th wheel 3 car kinds frequently too.

Well, it is supposed to be here by the end of the week.

They were supposed to pick it up by no later than the 21st --and got there today.

It'll be here by Thanksgiving-I'll bet.

98 mounty's!!

nice looking truck, fingers crossed it gets here soonish

Always good to have more "Young" adults on here, good to have you.

I cant believe its almost here. Im already shopping for a lift kit and tires for it.

2 of my neighbors have mounty's that look identical to that, same color! I am surrounded at home. That color looks great!

I cant believe its almost here. Im already shopping for a lift kit and tires for it.

There is a set of AAL's, shackles. 15x10" wheels & 33x12x15" tires in the garage just sitting there.:D Dad will never get around to using them :D:D:D

Well, we had a call from the driver saying he was going to be here about 9:30-10:00 tonight. However, he just now called back to say there was a bad wreck east of KC that slowed him down.
He lives up there-so he's sleeping over and bringing it about 10:00 AM


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