ignition module | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ignition module


January 22, 2012
Reaction score
City, State
rahway nj
Year, Model & Trim Level
88 ford bronco II 2.9L
i am trying to remove the ignition module from behind the ditributor and it held by 2 screw and it seems i can get at it without removing anything. does anyone know what kind of head is the screw casue they are facing the wall and cant find out what are they to remove them

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this is the beastie you need, its a really weird size between 5.5 and 6mm, it also has really thin sides on it, I got this one at oreilly auto but any parts store should have one in stock. ask for a ford ignition module tool.


ok thats great thnaks ill try it in the morning, i did some research off the info you gave me and the internet said that it might be a t-20

Sorry its the socket end of that tool, the tool is less than 10 bucks at just about any parts store. You will be well off to have this tool handy bk it is the same size as a lot of other fasteners on the vehicle.

just replaced mine on my 86 bronco 2 mine had a regular bolt head took a deep weel socket to get to it
