Just got back from the car dealer with our new purchase! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Just got back from the car dealer with our new purchase!


Well-Known Member
February 24, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
In the Middle
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 Ranger 5.0
Hey all, just saying hi! We just got back from the car dealer after buying a '97 XLT AWD with a 5.0

It's white with gray interior and seems to run and drive real well.

I'm not sure if I'll like the AWD or not... I really don't understand how it works yet... so it's time to do some searching :D

Here are some pics of it:




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Looks very nice!

The AWD has a viscous couple within it. This allows the front to slip some when making turns and such. Whenever the rear wheels begin spinning the viscous fluid heats up causing more power sent to the front.

The system is fully mechanical, no electronics, and requires no input from you to work. I like having the AWD. Its there when you need it no matter what.

Looks nice! Where about are you located?- looks like grain bins behind you.

Thanks everyone for the kind welcome :D I'm from Illinois, near St. Louis.

I just came in from the shop. I crawled under the new Explorer to check things out... and everything looked great! No leaks anywhere and no rust. My girlfriend found a 6 disc cd changer in the center console, which is a pleasant suprise since we had no idea it was there when we bought it.The only thing I have to do is replace a couple dash lights.
