Cle Elum Meet Sept. 9-10 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Cle Elum Meet Sept. 9-10


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May 16, 2006
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Bonney Lake, Washington
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2003 Ford Expedition
Cle Elum Meet Sept. 9-10 NOW W/ PICS! :)

Well, looks like they have some light duty trails over there and some AWSOME landscape! Camping is nearby and I'm always up for that. I think I'll drive over Sept 8th with my boat and see if I can squeeze in some fishing, or just some boating :confused: Does anyone have a phone # or website I should visit to make reservations? Who else is up for this?! :thumbsup:

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No reservations needed, just find a wide spot on the 301. :thumbsup:

Forget the boat. by that time they will have drawn down the lake for irrigation. I don't hink you'll be able to launch.

If you want to fish, bring waders and wade the Yakima. Of coures I suggest using a fly vs a lure. Just ask Dreamr :D

Reservations Lol :D

Sorry if I came across a bit grumpy in my PM this morning 96X
I was a bit tired..

So let's realistically start planning.

Phil you are my sounding board as I think we are the only ones that know the lay of the land. That weekend should work for me....

So Phil pretend we are driving down the road and right after the bridge that indicates we are almost to the 301 entrance there is a big wide area that has 3-4 rustic sites.....think it'll accomodate enough vehicles? If Not Shiloh and I found another much bigger but it is up at the start of that oddly named "T" Lake that I can't seem to think of the name for. I know that there are sites over there that will accomodate several vehicles.

Camping on the 301 is nice as it gets us back off the beaten path, but there is not a lot of area at our spot.......Gallagher Head will be DAMN cold at night so that is out.......Thinking down by the river will be best for the base camps.

1st morning we can lead a group up to Gallagher

2nd morning we can lead a group up to the Van Epps Mine

If any big dogs come They can go explore the 305 for me :D :roll:

Yeah, there is lots of spaces available at the beginning of the 301. On the 301, remember there was room on the 'island' too. We had 3 of us out there.

If we have enough people we could split runs with one group doing 301 then 302 and the other group does 302 then 301.

I have to say I'm still a bit squeemish about the off camber stuff. There's NOTHING to stop you but I doubt we're anywhere near roll point.

So I guess it all depends on who ends up coming. we should have a winch with each group, especially if we try to get here


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What is this "301" "305" stuff? Different trails?

Yeah I did not like the off camber stuff there at the last piece of the 301 or the 304.

I think Shiloh is still a bit crippled by that ride :D
She teases when the truck is laying over to "smell the flowers"
Yet she about pukes when she found herself laying over looking down 1500 feet of sheer rockslide :D

So, when does everyone want to go over? Caravan over? Meet in North Bend or something? :thumbdwn: :thumbsup:

Someone's gota go over early on Friday to get the spots. ;)

Albino 94LTD said:
Someone's gota go over early on Friday to get the spots. ;)

Ok, well, I'd be game to do that. Don't really know how I'd get more than one spot. Can only park in so much area... :rolleyes:

We got time, we'll figure it out. we set up a couple tents even thoug no one is in them. :D

I'll probably be going over Friday but it is still a long way off to make difinitive plans. :cool:

ahhh ill be gone in sept. please go 1st or 2nd weekend of august guys!

is this still on....cause Im definitly going.

Count me in on this one guys! I have 2 tents I can bring... and I could get there early if needed.

I was thinking of getting there friday evening, I have a hole camping set so, I will bring my small grill to.

urbanistic said:
Count me in on this one guys! I have 2 tents I can bring... and I could get there early if needed.

Im coming from Whidby Island we should meet were you are and go the rest of the way together

I'd go, but I am going to Evan's Creek the week before (info) and with gas prices as high as they are I am limited to the amount of off-road trips per pay period :D

Come on you can do it just save for it, lol.....You have 3 pay periods...

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how hard are the trails for he evans creek event(only have 31-10.5 with tt and shackels)
