Keyless entry on my 07 Explorer. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Keyless entry on my 07 Explorer.


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February 27, 2010
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07 EB
When I bought this thing from a deal it had been used as a demo. Treatment was not good but I was able to fix all the major problems the next day at no cost!!! (stupid mech at this dealership). BUT they didn't give me the keyless entry card/codes. Can't find them in any of the materials.

Where can I find/access this info just in case I/my wife/one of the kids locks the door with my keys in it.


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In the owner's manual, you will find the "keyless entry" section, and it will tell you how to input your personal code. However, you will need to ask the dealer what the factory code is first in order to start.

If you do not have an owners manual, you will probably want to go back to the dealer, and have them do it for you.

First things first, you will need the factory code. Get that, and then you may get started.

Good luck with it, and update us if you have completed it.

I knew about the manual instructions. I need some proceedure on getting the code. The dealership doesn't seem to be very helpful. I was wondering if anyone knew of a Ford link where I could put in info and get them to send it to me?

entry code

when i got my 05 ex at the mitsu dealer the little credit card looking thing with the factory preset code was missing . you must go to the dealer to get the code. this is so somebody can't get the codes and steel your truck...... most dealers will charge about $50 to retrieve the code. i took mine to our small town ford dealer he came outside with their diagnostic lap top jacked it into the code reading port under the dash and gave me the code in less than 5 minutes. best of all he didn't even charge me a penny and said have a nice day....

I think the code is on the Key unit itself. Don't remember where its hidden in the truck but there are several forums on here discussing this. You shopuld be able to get the code from there. On the 07 the Code was orginally printed on a credit card style card that was put in the manual cover.

You bought the truck from them and they won't give/retrieve the code for you? Tell them to fix your broken door locks under warranty or explain to you how they work. They will need the code in order for them to explain how they work.

According to the service manual, the code is printed on the Smart Junction Box, which is the fuse box under the dash on the driver's side. However, I spent about a half hour dangling under the dash with a flashlight and a mirror, and I could find some writing on the back, but I couldn't read it.

Like everybody else said, the dealer can read the factory code with the dealer scan tool. It takes 5 minutes, the dealer will charge you anywhere from $0 to $50 to do it, depending on how much they want to gouge you.
