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Lift help


August 10, 2011
City, State
Central Illinois
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 explorer 4 door
Hey I just scored a set of 33's for my explorer there 12.50 inch wide I don't have the money for a body lift so I'm going to flip the rear under the springs and use the f250 or 350 coil spring spacers I have two questions
What year model ford has the coil spacers I need ? Also how much lift will I get ?
When I flip the rear axle with new axle perches will I need new shocks or break lines ?
Thank you

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You're going to have 5-6" of lift in the rear any only around 2" in the front. Best bet (imo) do a spacer/aal (or shackle) lift and trim to fit.

F150 spacers from a mid 90's 2wd will give you about 2"

Thanks will do should have of a longer shackeles in the rear was not thinking and I'll get the coil spring spacers this weekend

Is there a close set of factory springs Like f 150 or any other make that will lift the front end some as well ?

I have a 6" suspension lift with 33x12.50 Pro Comp X-Terrain tires and they still rubbed. Unless you do a much bigger lift, you may have lots of fender trimming to do.


Remember, we are talking about a TTB front end here and not a solid axle. If you just put a bigger spring or lots of spacers up front (not recomended) your only pushing the outside end of the axle down. The other side (pivot side) is still at the same height. That means your tires camber will be way off and will look similar to \ /.

You can adjust out the camber up to about 2" of lift (3 degrees or so). Any more and you need to do other things like use axle pivot drop brackets or use cut and turned beams so you can get the camber right.

Even with the Camber right, you have to worry about caster. If you lift the front you still have to worry about the caster. Most 2.5 to 5.5" lift kits use drop brackets for the axle pivot to fix the camber and use radius arm drop brackets to fix the caster.

Another option to fix the caster is to use extended radius arms which will also give you more suspension travel.

As for how much lift. There are people running 33.12.50's on 8" or so rims with 4" of lift. You least expensive (read, not best) is to do the f-150 spacers (spring seats) for the front, War-153's (or AAL) for the rear and then a 3" body lift.

Its not going to be the best for wheeling (won't get you more travel etc) but it should let the tires fit BUT you may still need to do some fender trimming depending on how worn your current suspension is and the wheel/tire combo actual size.


Ok wow this may be a little harder than I thought I want to do an SAS swap with one ton axles was going with bronco axles but a chevy 205 fell in my lap .
And if I could I would put a stock 4x4 explorer front end under it for now but the local junk yards around here don't have any first gen explorers .
Guess I'll trim the crap out of the fenders for now with the spring spacer and shackle lift if there is any one who wants to trade all the 4x4 parts for the 2wd parts pm me .
