Losing a gallon of water every 4-5 days!!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Losing a gallon of water every 4-5 days!!!!


Active Member
May 23, 2006
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High Wycombe, United Kingdom
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99 NorthFace
Hi guys, as i said i'm putting about a gallon of water in the radiator every 4-5 days! I know its going into the exhaust system somewhere as got white smoke/steam from exhaust plus water dripping from pipe. Engine runs lumpy and throwing codes saying lean on left and right banks.

My question is. Will it be a head gasket or with that amount of water loss a cracked head? How can i find out which side of the engine it is before removing the head?

Any help would much appreciated :)

I have another issues but will ask about that shortly :(

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What engine? I assume it is a 4.0L OHV. It could be both in that engine. You won't know if its the head till you remove it and inspect or send to machine shop.

The amount of water won't tell you if it's the head or the gasket, either could have a small or a large leak. Do a compression check on all 6 cylinders. That should tell you what cylinder/bank the problem is in. If they all read normal when cold, then do it again with the engine hot.

Cheers for the reply guys.

Sorry its the 4.0l sohc

I'll source a compression tester and go from there.

Been looking at the Fel-Pro head gasket and bolts from RockAuto, are those any good?

4.0 SOHC doesn't have head gasket problems normally(I've never seen in the 16 years I've worked at the Ford dealer) so I would think someting else is wrong. I would pressure test and investigate further.

Fel-Pro is a good brand, and I've never had a problem w/ Rock. Well, one, but they fixed it, and gave me free parts.

Just be aware, there is more to the job than just slapping new gaskets in. You'll need ot take the head(s) to a machine shop to be pressure checked, and checked/machined flat if needed.

Also, being the SOHC, this is a BIG job. Since you will have to deal with taking off all the timing chain related stuff anyway, this would be a good time to change the chains/guides/tensioner(s)/etc.... Of course, at that point, you might want to just go ahead and pull the motor for a complete rebuild, and just get it out of the way now, so you know you're good for a long time. While it's apart, you might also want to think about just buying hi-po heads/cams form Super Six Motorsports, instead of reconditioning your factory heads.

Thanks once again for the replies.

Doing the job isn't a problem. Took the engine out 2 years ago and replaced all the chains, guides and pulleys. Got the tools and timing kit to do the job also.

If there is positive evidence that water and alot of steam is coming from the exhaust then surely it must be a suspect head gasket or crack somewhere going to the exhaust port! There is no evidence of water in the oil (so far).

I read posts on here, that as long as the engine is cold the head should be ok to take off and put back on. Will this be ok as not got much cash to spend on machining the head at the moment.

Have you checked if the water is coming inside of your truck on the passenger side under the carpet by any chance?

Checked for that borrise1 but its dry. Still wouldn't explain the steam and water out the exhaust (or would it!!??)

Checked for that borrise1 but its dry. Still wouldn't explain the steam and water out the exhaust (or would it!!??)
It would explain a bad heater core. I don't know why he thinks that would explain water coming out of the exhaust.

I read posts on here, that as long as the engine is cold the head should be ok to take off and put back on. Will this be ok as not got much cash to spend on machining the head at the moment.
I've reinstalled heads plenty of times without machining them. Yes there is a risk, but it is small assuming you've never over heated your engine. The main thing is to make sure you clean both surfaces good without gouging the surface (then you have to machine it).

Hi ugexe :)

The engine has never over heated. I first noticed this problem when my LPG system developed a problem one day, it just click back to petrol mode and stayed there. On a long investigation and the last thing i checked was the radiator water level. Topped the water up and hey presto, the LPG system came back to life. This has worked out to be a warning sign if i forget to top the water up in time!!!

Scrap or not scrap, this is coming to mind!!!
