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MY Long Travel Build

wow that does look awesome, you gotta let me know how you like those shocks valved once you get it off road because i was thinking about switching over to a flutter stack for the front end, but have had no experience with how they actually handle

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well its been a while, but yeah. the front end is totally done. all supports and gussets are on and welded up. got the resi for the shocks all figured out and secured to the hoops. picking up limit straps this week, i hope, im to lazy to go drive to the store. I just got done cutting off my old front bumper, ready to fab a new one. Relocated the tow hitch to inside the frame rails and through the stock rear bumper to allow the shackles to cycle the leaves fully. Planned first trip is the weekend of July 1st out at El Mirage OHV with some guys from DR. as long as i can get everything buttoned up and secure, we should be good to go.

bumper progress


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Dayum looks great!

much better, how is the rear end coming along by the way?

no skidplate? i take it those 4 vertical tubes are going to take the place?

there is going to be a skidplate. will mount just inside the 2 outside ones. the inner 2 are for bottom out protection, if the plate fails :D
And bars through the grill would be cool, but thats a danger with no cage work on the otherside of the engine. one big landing and the bumper would push them to the shock hoops, and that could be a possibility for badness.

BigDave, the rear is still to come. things have slowed down with the expo right now, but should get goin agian soon.

White96x, u wanna make an offer on my fenders ;) I need em outa here.

I should have the skidplate and paint done next week, then get the lights wired back up.

damum that sucker is wide.....great work

taknitezX2 said:
White96x, u wanna make an offer on my fenders ;) I need em outa here..
Did you get your limit straps and bump stops yet?

taknitezX2 said:
BigDave, the rear is still to come. things have slowed down with the expo right now, but should get goin agian soon.
i hear ya, money is usually the problem i have when things start to slow down on my truck

Trent, whats that supposed to mean? u had a LT expo first. :D but when the money runs low, progress might as well start going backwards. haha. just need to get straps so i can go play a bit. u thinking of going to that el mirage trip with the DR guys the first of july?

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taknitezX2 said:
Trent, whats that supposed to mean? u had a LT expo first. :D but when the money runs low, progress might as well start going backwards. haha. just need to get straps so i can go play a bit. u thinking of going to that el mirage trip with the DR guys the first of july?
haha no dice i prob wont have my X done till the end of summer after i stop working full time. my wheel travel cycle is so ****ty right now.
