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Official BS thread!!

HAPPY 40TH BIRTHDAY, DRAPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bounce:

Hahahahahahahahahahaha, you're finally over the hill!!!! :D

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he's not even close spas, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DRAPER....keep on kickin

Happy birthday there draper

happy birthday dude :thumbsup:

happy birthday Draper... and thanx.... thanx for makin me feel so damn YOUNG!!!

Yeah Draper!!!! Happy 40th!!!!!

Thanks all for the birthday wishes. I don't feel 40 (Yeah, I know I look 60 :confused: ) unless I'm at work.....ugh :( . Wish I could post some of the pix of what I've been up to lately, but they are proprietary info. Let's just say I spent some time in Albuquerque playing with airplanes :D

Draper... that sounds interesting.. are you aloud to discuss it with maybe say a junior year Aerospace Student who's doing "research" and expanding his knowledge? :D

Happy b-day draper, next time your in NM face west and wave I'm only about 6 hours away. :p

Whoo hoo!!! Got my new PC up and running, and even managed to salvage the data off my old hard drive :D :D :D . Now, anyone know where the address book and saved e-mails are stored so I can go retrieve them??

Call my cell Jeff.. I can walk you thru it. I sent you a PM with the number..

Doug said:
Happy b-day draper, next time your in NM face west and wave I'm only about 6 hours away. :p

Unfortunately I was waaaayyyy to busy to head out your way, but the thought did occur. Spent the whole week at Sandia Labs at Albuquerque Airport.

sk1er17 said:
Draper... that sounds interesting.. are you aloud to discuss it with maybe say a junior year Aerospace Student who's doing "research" and expanding his knowledge?

No prob telling what I was there for (well most of it), just can't post the pix :(. I was working on corrosion detection in aging aircraft using eddy current technology. Specifically, I was testing out some new equipement we designed on an old 727 for 1st layer corrosion in lap joints.

Happy Late B-Day Draper!!!!

98Sport said:
sent thursday of this week

Mike man, I havent even given you my address here. Where did you send it?

JDraper said:
I was working on corrosion detection in aging aircraft using eddy current technology. Specifically, I was testing out some new equipement we designed on an old 727 for 1st layer corrosion in lap joints

that sounds cool. we did a lot with eddy current last semester but never really got into detail on useful applications...

sk1er17 said:
that sounds cool. we did a lot with eddy current last semester but never really got into detail on useful applications...

If you're interested in that stuff, check out our websites GE Inspection Technologies and Hocking NDT . We just finished the acquisition of Hocking in July (we owned half of them for the last 13 years) so both websites are kinda in transition.

i have my sources

so when is carlisle?, soon?

frickea86 said:
so when is carlisle?, soon?

Keep you pants on kid!!

BTW- You do realize that your tires are shot and that you should've disposed of them? My dad laughed when he saw them :p

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Well your sources seem to have told you wrong cause I havent recieved anything yet.
