Oil Breather Filter | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Oil Breather Filter


Active Member
December 17, 2006
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City, State
Bethpage, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 xlt
Now currently of course i have the crank case hose running to my intake obviously. My intake is currently stock but i am changing it to the k&n intake. I was wondering if i could put on a oil breather filter, and honestly how to do it like is there anything i should know, any tips, any problems like sensors, just any advice, even what kind to buy? (1995 explorer xlt)

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it is not legal or enviromentally correct but I have a crank case breather.

I coupla bucks at summit racing .com and there you go.


Can anything bad happen from doing this to the 5.0? I recently shattered the connecting piece that connects the hose to the air intake tube. I was thinking about sealing the hole up, and putting a breather or leaving it an open hole on the oil tube. The reason I'm wanting to get rid of this other than the fact I broke it kinda... I found oil in my intake tube.. and it's all over my throttle body.. I'm going to clean it and get rid of the tube.. can anything bad happen? I think I might have just found out why my throttle was kind of sticking after using cruise.. but if not.. I'll still have a cleaner TB and intake.

yes.... it is the tube that connects the crankcase to the air intake... it is also illegal to put on one of those breathers per emissions laws.... but they will add a few ponies.......

Is this true also? Better performance? I've read a little bit about this ventilation system.. I don't see any problem that could arise from this.. but there's a lack of information on people doing this with the 5.0..

One person told me the oil brought up into the intake is to catch dust......... that didn't sound right at all...

Am I missing something? Could someone share some important info?..

Has anyone done this with a 5.0?

One person told me the oil brought up into the intake is to catch dust......... that didn't sound right at all...

Uuuh, no. That's what the air filter is for.

Yes, it's illegal. However, unless you live in a state that has emissions inspections you need to pass periodically, it's unlikely you'll get caught.

There should be no significant performance gains to running with an open PCV system. However, the blow-by gasses still need to go somewhere if they're no longer going into the intake. I personally prefer the nice clean method of burning them in the engine instead of venting them to the atmosphere.


Like Kevin did, I also installed the filter.


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Are you just going to keep asking until you get the answer you want?

I'm not trying to get on anyones nerves, I'm just trying to understand this a bit more.

SOHC users have reported good results. (clean tb, better idle, some report little performance gains) Some have said to keep the tube there, but they don't say why. I want to understand the pros and cons to putting a breather filter on the 5.0 compared to the tube. I don't really care about the gases getting into the air. I was thinking when I get the mac, to get rid of it anyways like a lot of people have. But the issue came up sooner when I broke it.. so I just want to understand this a bit more.

I was also wondering what size is the tube?


Do you have the weird oil smell in your truck?.......

Man.. ####in Ford wanted to charge me $16 for the little plastic piece... ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?

I need to figure out what size this tube is and the hole to the intake so I can go to a hardware store.. or a pet store...

I do....................................................
I need to find a plastic piece that'll work....

3/8 id seems about right

Both sides? *Time to go to Pet Stuff* lol..

what kind of wierd pet stores do you have around there ?

Hahahaha.... oh man...

It was just an example of where I could find this part other than a hardware store..

They use these kind of things to route those air lines for fish...

So what exactly do I go in and ask for? (I'll probably go to Lowes)


do you have the breather ? or are you trying to fix what you broke ?

Keep in mind I have a SOHC so lengths and stuff will be different for me.

I've got a tube?...

Do you know what the 5.0 breather looks like?
