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Oil Pan Gasket Problem


Well-Known Member
November 17, 2003
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City, State
Egg Harbor Township, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Mountainer AWD V-8
I was told my oil Pan Gasket is leaking and needs to be replaced. They told me they have to take the engine out to do this??? Is this True???? They told me $1800. Someone Please Help Me Out. Could I do this myself.


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Originally posted by Mountaineer97TM
I was told my oil Pan Gasket is leaking and needs to be replaced. They told me they have to take the engine out to do this??? Is this True???? They told me $1800. Someone Please Help Me Out. Could I do this myself.

1800 for an oil pan gasket:eek:

You dont need to pull the engine but you will need an engine hoist. You need to grab the back of the motor and pull it forward a little bit. This is done after undoing the motor mount bolts, and disconnecting the tranny bellhousing.

WOW all that work for a little oil pan gasket???

Not really leaking oil pan

I had the same problem and was told my oil pan gasket was leaking - after they couldn't find the problem anywhere else. It actually turned out to be the drain plug. The only way I could stop that leak was to put the teflon plumber tape around the threads a few times, and get a different type of gasket. The gasket I got came from Napa and it's a metal gasket with rubber molded all around it. It looks like a metal gasket with the inside coated with thick rubber. They are $2.00 each and you can't reuse them. After trying this - my oil pan gasket leak mysterious stopped....

Yeah I have the same problem leaking oil pan gasket. But I went around to several different shops and they said that the engine would have to be hoisted up a little bit and the average cost of that was about $500, see if you can find a place that doen't want to take the whole thing out. All they need to do is raise it so there is enough clearance to reach the pan bolts and get it out. good luck!!!

Thanks Everyone for your update. The guy said it not leaking that bad yet and I can hold off which I will do.
