94 explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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94 explorer


Active Member
March 31, 2004
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City, State
south dakota
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 xlt
just bought my 94 explorer 2 weeks ago and planing on puting a lift kit and a body lift. dose any body have any good ideas on what kind i should get :chug: :smoke:

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Welcome to the site.. DO a search on lift kits for a 1st generation, you'll come up with alot of things.

go with a 5.5 inch superlift you can get everything you need from 4wheelers supply.com. Its only $800 including S&H I'll show pics off mine but I don't know how to get them in my post

I tried the website and it didnt work? Also can I please see the pics? svt_50@hotmail.com Thanks

I think you get a bl for a ranger, but I cant remember for sure. Try a search. Its on this board thousands of times.

Body Lift

Performance Accessories makes a couple for the Ex, 2" and 3". Part number 752 & 753, I think. About $100 a piece. Many other manufacturers also. Numerous threads on this topic--including tire sizes and such. Try the search feature! ;)

hey thanks for the replys but one more Q. what would be a good chip to put in a 1 generation for more power and stuff :burnout:

explorer94 said:
hey thanks for the replys but one more Q. what would be a good chip to put in a 1 generation for more power and stuff :burnout:

Buy from Apten. They use the Diablo chip blanks and custom programs for Fords. Very pleased with mine.

Im posting this for datboychris..... I figured since he is elite its ok.


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