Pepper Garden 2012! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Pepper Garden 2012!

Scotty J.

June 21, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Little Rock, Ar
Year, Model & Trim Level
'02 Ford Ranger XLT
Habaneros in the front, Jalapenos in the back. That's my organic farmer buddy in the 4th pic showing me how the pros do it LOL.






Looks like Meatloaf LOL. No onions, just peppers LOL.

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Very nice.

Very nice:thumbsup: I like the nicely placed soaker hose. I hope you did plant through that tarp into the nice soil. The Habaneros are a little to hot for my tast :eek:.

Here is a photo of Jalapeno's still growing on one of last years plants. Here is southern California we can grow them all year. I will put in some new plants in a couple of weeks. Our soil is not as nice (too many rocks) so I have to do raised garden beds. This year more Roma Tomatos, Onions, Celantro so I can make more salsa. Of course other items also.

Post up some photos when they get larger so we can see how they did.


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Very nice:thumbsup: I like the nicely placed soaker hose. I hope you did plant through that tarp into the nice soil. The Habaneros are a little to hot for my tast :eek:.
VERY NICE! :salute:

Here's the deal with Habs. Jalapeños, sometimes they're hot, sometimes they're not. Habs are ALWAYS hot LOL. You just have to use discretion.

Yes, we cut through the meshing to plant them. The mesh and mulch is to keep the weeds at bay.

Looks great guys!

My dad started to till our garden this year but the tiller died, guess I have to fix that now. We usually plant a few types of peppers, tomatoes, onions, zucchinis, and beans. We had carrots last year but they did poor. We may try lettuce this time. We also have peach and plum trees but the warm weather followed by all the below freezing nights killed almost any chance of them producing this year. The fig tree we have didn't bloom yet so it will be fine.

wow, already starting to produce. I have NEVER had Habs in June, these things are producing at an insane rate. The Jalapeños haven't even started to come to size and I pull this hab off one of my plants.


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Awesome mate!!! Its still dark here this morning but I'll grab some photos of mine when the sun comes up. The super hots are almost ready to go it the ground but its middle of winter so I hope the frost doesnt get them.

Great work Scotty!

EDIT:Almost enough light :D

Thai chilli and jalepeno's (and yes, I need to mow the grass!)


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wow, already starting to produce. I have NEVER had Habs in June, these things are producing at an insane rate. The Jalapeños haven't even started to come to size and I pull this hab off one of my plants.

Are you picking them green?

Aren't they better when colored orange, red, or whatnot?

Are you picking them green?

Aren't they better when colored orange, red, or whatnot?
Yes they are, I picked that one because my wife wanted some scale, she doesn't do the garden thing LOL. There are like 40 t0 50 peppers on those 6 plants, this one just stood out.

I grew some Thai once, very resilient pepper! I eat at a local Thai Restaurant, the lady that runs the place occasionally takes some steamed rice and curry chicken off the buffet, has her chef add some spice, then she brings it to my table LOL. Gotta love that kind of customer service!


Anyone know what kind of peppers they often use in Chinese food? The little brown ones.

Interesting... The Sichuan or Szechuan peppers aren't actually peppers at all, but part of the citrus family.:confused:

My favorite Chinese dishes are Szechuan Chicken, and Szechuan Shrimp. I thought Szechuan was a place in China... What do I know ;) In any case, love the spice:D

Interesting... The Sichuan or Szechuan peppers aren't actually peppers at all, but part of the citrus family.:confused:
What's even more fascinating, or at least to me is, they claim the Szechuan Pepper actually numbs the tongue, like a 9v battery so that you can appreciate the flavor of Capsaicin based peppers without feeling the heat. Works for me, I'll have to baseline test it I guess LOL.

Didn't know that mate, cheer's!

Just to give it some scale. The Habs are in the front, I have never had Hab plants that out grew my Jalapeños. By August, these guys will be producing peppers every week!! Oh, 100% certified organic. If anyone wants some peppers, just let me know. I will have more than I can can or freeze.


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Pics because I am sore and bored today.
I scored 2 large rubber tubs to make homes for 3 chili plants each. I planted a bean in each one for early nitrogen, they are long dead now..
Cayennes, Ancho's, Bhut Jolokia's, and some Habanero's. I'm waiting for the hab's to turn red as the plant picture on the little tag shows red, however I think these are true heirloom, orange hab's.

Also some black tomatoes called "indigo rose", which was bred to create a high level of cancer fighting compounds

-and some cherry tomatoes called "chocolate sprinkles" which my wife plucks and eats as soon as they ripen. I was lucky to find this one for a picture. She said they are the sweetest I have grown so far. I wouldn't know because I don't like em raw.

I was using R/O water but could not keep up and switched to city water. The curling leaves on the tomatoes shows herbicide runoff damage. You can see some in the chili plants also, but I am able to give them more R/O water to help wash it out. That's the issue. watering thru it is all you can do, but it's in the water------so, the more you water the more you have to water.

It's in the city water supply. Mainly Atrazine "IN MY OPINION"


Very nice! The habs are most likely orange. Let me know if you want my Habanero Jelly Recipe. I've gotten about 60 habs off of a single plant this year. I freeze them, then use them to make jelly when you can't buy them at the store anymore.

@Turdle, I think you need to eat one of the habaneros to see if they are ready :thumbsup:

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@Turdle, I think you need to eat one of the habaneros to see if they are ready :thumbsup:

My youngest son Matt and I had a triple dog dare contest. we started with the cayenne, went to a slice of Habanero, sat on that for 30 seconds and then a slice of a ghost pepper ( jolokia)
The habanero actualy has a nice sweet flavor which turns to some heat. The ghost pepper tastes like a pepper for about half a second and then turns right into molten lava at which point we both spit it out. We were literally gargling with vodka to get the oil out of our mouths, the heat was so intense vodka did not burn or have flavor.

I am using the hot chilis to make my secret Apricot mango chili jam. Kind of like chutney without the garlic.
