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What's your favorite soda?

E.B. Cornburner

Explorer Addict
April 20, 2007
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Oshkosh, WI
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2004 Eddie Bauer
I know I'll be getting a lot of "Dr. Pepper" replies, since that seems to be the official soft drink of the Explorer forum.

I'll drink about anything, but my favorite is good ol' Coca-Cola. I usually demolish a 12 pack in a couple days, maybe three if I'm not real thirsty. I rarely drink water. I know it's not good for me, but I don't care...I like it.

So what are your favorites, and how much of them do you consume in the average week?

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Tough one for me. I drink more Pepsi or Mt. Dew, but I think Cactus Cooler is my favorite.

I don't drink very much of it so I treat myself to maybe 1 a week. I mostly drink water and milk.

Although I don't drink soda or carbonated stuff that often anymore, this still hits the spot every now and then:


WHY? :mad:Are you saying I have a problem? I can quit at any time...I swear!:(



....the very first mod to my Project X was a cup holder to hold my daily double big gulp, fountain, diet coke...i really can't drink it straight so i pack it full of ice...:D

...but after seeing section525's post, i think i'm standing in the wrong line...:eek:

Does sweet tea from a South Carolina BBQ restaurant count? I am absolutely in LOVE with the sweet tea that the Bessigner family sells at Melvin's/Bessinger's BBQ restaurants in Charleston, SC.

No bottled sweet tea will come close to these

As far as soft drinks, diet coke with lime during the day or diet barqs' in the evenings ~ I've really got to quit drinking soda. My morning coffee + afternoon sodas does a number on my teeth (acidity)

I'll have a coke...and a smile.


I try not to drink pop (or soda haha) anymore. I used to drink A LOT of it and when I quit it helped me lose quite a bit of weight. Anyway, when I did drink it on a regular basis Mountain Dew was my pop of choice.

Pepsi here...Especially when mixed with Cruzan Rum:D

i drink everything but no coke and dr. pepper but everything else i drink.

right now i am drinking a code red mountain dew right now


thats it!

Don't you wanna be a Pepper too?


Do The Dew!

I can't believe there are not more Dew fans. It is a nectar. The nectar of the Gods, actually.


Do The Dew!

I can't believe there are not more Dew fans. It is a nectar. The nectar of the Gods, actually.


Amen Brother!:D I can go through a few of these everyday


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