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Pic Request- Your Explorer Towing

Ill start the show with my pic-



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Well, it wasn't completely loaded, but wasn't empty either. It had two huge gas generators, two big ovens, 12 industrial rice cookers, 2 huge gas pressure washers, some built in plumbing and wiring and other stuff. The trailer empty weighs a lot because its made to carry a bunch of weight. Its our community's disaster relief emergency kitchen. Once complete, it can serve 10,000 meals a day.

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Do tell :scratch:
Basically carlover sheared both ball joints on the knuckle .. which then bent the tie rods. This all happened on the last day of Thaven on their way to breakfast :D

LOL oh and dont forget the run-away (empty) trailer!

Due to complications, we ended up using a 2" ball on a 2-5/16" trailer and halfway between camp and the entrance to the wash-outs (to retrieve carlover's Explorer), the trailer broke loose from the ball. And obviously we didn't hook up the safety chains so it was free going off on its own direction. Very funny :D

LOL oh and dont forget the run-away (empty) trailer!

Due to complications, we ended up using a 2" ball on a 2-5/16" trailer and halfway between camp and the entrance to the wash-outs (to retrieve carlover's Explorer), the trailer broke loose from the ball. And obviously we didn't hook up the safety chains so it was free going off on its own direction. Very funny :D

Now that would make a great video :thumbsup:

My Mounty towing. And realizing I need air bags after I installed my lift.. :(


ooooh thats a pretty red ex

Colin always use the safety chains....mmm k? Then the tonque of the trailer can bash into your hatch over and over

I dont think I have never seen a purely red X -- that looks awesome.


ooooh thats a pretty red ex

Colin always use the safety chains....mmm k? Then the tonque of the trailer can bash into your hatch over and over

No place to hook them to on the explorer. It was more funny than a problem. I think I was going ~10mph.

Prob Cause this is a Color change.. this one was a maroon two tone Eddie bauer.

I dont think I have never seen a purely red X -- that looks awesome.

Colin always use the safety chains....mmm k? Then the tonque of the trailer can bash into your hatch over and over

As embarrassing as it sounds, this has happend to me before....only it was using a 1 7/8 ball (got it free, and never checked the size) with a 2" trailer.

Here's the X parked at work.. I picked up some block on the way to work this morning to take home.. I don't think I'm taking the freeway home.. I don't want to be on the news..

Turns out block is 39lbs each.. not 29lb each.. thats a pallet of 90 on there.. you do the math..



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The axle is 3500lbs.. trailer is officially 3000..

which is why I'm going to go through town.. 40mph or so max.. 65mph just seems like a good way to get on TV tonight.



more triangulation


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Nice "loads" guys --- That is a freaking weired statement.....:confused:

Well this is mine....Trailer alone weight 1500lbs, two 500lbs quads and some wood and i'm about at my limit. Shes got brakes and hauls like a dream. Axles are rated for 8000lbs and the frame is rated for 12000lbs. So about 4 tons is our max.

2nd Picture = Trans Failure Ironic!!


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