Wanted - Pictures of tricked out undercarriages | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wanted Pictures of tricked out undercarriages

Parts or services wanted


DIY stunt double
Staff member
Elite Explorer
June 16, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Humboldt, KS
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Mounty
I have a special request --and thought this was the place to put it.

Please post pictures or links of nicely painted up suspensions
I'm trying to figure out a color scheme for my underbelly rebuild.

I thought maybe you guys have a few which stand out in your memories.

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Umm... since no one else is posting.. I'll post mine.. Not exactly tricked out, but they have color (some is jus so I can see what I hit it)



You already know what my Diff cover looks like :) somewhere I have a pic of it on the truck, I just don't know where I put it.

EDIT: I found the pic.. I have the rock lights on in this pic.


This is my rear axle, I usually leave it a little dirty so nobody makes fun of my attention to detail.


Is this for your sport truck? I think it's tacky when only a few components are colored. Are you going to do a full tear down and powdercoat of the accent pieces?

Is this for your sport truck? I think it's tacky when only a few components are colored. Are you going to do a full tear down and powdercoat of the accent pieces?
As far to the frame as I can.

I will also be removing the lowering blocks and installing some sextion shackles for a fitment of 31" ( maybe 32") tires for the Ouray trip.

My goal is for my truck to go a bit both ways, depending on how i will be using it:D

Well, then what you need to do is run some air bags. My superduty can raise 3" when I put 90lbs in the rear airbags. It rides like a stagecoach like that as well.

BUT I like where your head is at.

Seriously though, look at Kelderman air ride, they have Super dutys that can adjust from 3" in lift to 12" in lift, also have kits for Escalades that can go from stock to a 4" drop. That is awesome, it's all done riding on air!

Dunno man, that undercarriage is going to get dirty and maybe chipped from flying rocks..

I have always liked DeRocha's suspension :thumbsup:

Me, I'd like to see shades of grey, in gloss of course. Different shades for different parts, maybe two or three colors from medium grey to charcoal. If I could coat all my stuff, that's what I'd do. :dunno:

Ditto, I like dark colors on mechanical parts. I'd like to do something also, but I know how tough that is with years of use. All I can add is the place to start, yank it all and start on the body.


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