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Poison Spyder Stinger on '01 Sport

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Would you be so kind as to tell me the width of this plate?


I have a lot of 6"x3/8"x16' steel plate. If the width of that plate is anywhere close, I'm getting closer to starting to build my own. I only ask because I think your dimensions look perfect. Do you mind if I copy your design? The only changes I can see making for mine would be that I don't have a stinger on hand and I'd just do a straight plate across the front, leaving enough room for a winch in the future.

I just don't have the balls to cut off my front fascia without having a solid plan in place. If your dimensions are close to what I can build with on hand stuff, I'm getting a lot closer and my balls will drop a little more.

I will take a look for you either tonight or tomorrow. If I remember correctly though I'd say that it is wider than 6". When I first built this I ordered a 2'x4' sheet of 3/16" I believe and cut my pieces out of that. I don't mind you copying the design. I may even be able to measure out the pieces for your own templates. I would recommend though from my experience, leave more room up front for the winch. I was able to get mine mounted, but it was tight and had to do a little cutting to get it to fit. It would just be easier on yourself if you didnt make it so tight up front.

I just don't have the balls to cut off my front fascia without having a solid plan in place. If your dimensions are close to what I can build with on hand stuff, I'm getting a lot closer and my balls will drop a little more.

You could always practice with mine :D
BTW i have a bumper I cut to mimic John Rock's and TxPlates' Tracs. It was in a fender bender but still mounts up to see what it would look like. And its forest green

I will take a look for you either tonight or tomorrow. If I remember correctly though I'd say that it is wider than 6". When I first built this I ordered a 2'x4' sheet of 3/16" I believe and cut my pieces out of that. I don't mind you copying the design. I may even be able to measure out the pieces for your own templates. I would recommend though from my experience, leave more room up front for the winch. I was able to get mine mounted, but it was tight and had to do a little cutting to get it to fit. It would just be easier on yourself if you didnt make it so tight up front.

I was figuring that piece is probably about 10". All great information. A template would be awesome but I wouldn't request that kind of effort. My father in law has a winch that I could use in the mock up, so I should be able to adjust accordingly. Thanks!:salute:

You could always practice with mine :D
BTW i have a bumper I cut to mimic John Rock's and TxPlates' Tracs. It was in a fender bender but still mounts up to see what it would look like. And its forest green

Leave your truck with me for a bit and I'll practice until perfect.:D

I thought about finding a bumper cover to do the same.

Hugh, it's just like when you lifted your Trac and had to trim and cut. Just take the plunge and start cutting, it was the motivation I needed to finally modify the ARB bumper and mount it to mine. Once you start cutting there's no turning back and you get the kick in the ass to build.

Leave your truck with me for a bit and I'll practice until perfect.:D

I thought about finding a bumper cover to do the same.

Dont tempt me lol. Maybe I can bring it back down with me so you can use it. I won't need it for a while. A bumper has been knocked way down on my to-do list.

I grabbed that dimension at lunch today and you were pretty freaking close. I measured right around 9-1/2".


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Great! Thanks. I think I can use the 6" pieces I have and do a 3" fold under at the bottom with a slight angle and work that around through the front. Time to get out the cardboard. Probably just going to remove the front fascia first and trace a grill sized piece of cardboard to work around. If my imagination excites me, I may start cutting.

Thanks a ton!:thumbsup:

The cut isn't so much what I'm worried about. It's whether or not I have the ability to build a bumper. The only fabrication I've done so far is the brush guard mounts, lol. I've played around a little, but nothing like this.

What I don't want is a 6" tall, 5' wide straight piece of jumbled mess steel across the front of my truck when I realize I'm not very good at this.:confused:

thats the best looking aftermarket/homebuilt bumper ive seen for that front end. looks awesome man

Thanks. I guess I never showed much of when I added joint so that the stinger could be removed. There has been some debate about whether or not it is legal/not legal to have it while on the street. So this just makes it easy if you get pulled over to just take it off and be done with it.


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Thanks. I guess I never showed much of when I added joint so that the stinger could be removed. There has been some debate about whether or not it is legal/not legal to have it while on the street. So this just makes it easy if you get pulled over to just take it off and be done with it.

i like it without the stinger even better! sweet bumper man, you should make a template for the rest of us :D

Ok, that thing looks so badass.

i like it without the stinger even better! sweet bumper man, you should make a template for the rest of us :D

I agree. A template would be nice. Thats the nicest bumper ive seen on the explorer front end. I have a sport trac that would be a better truck with that bumper on it :D

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I'm working on getting a template done and getting my brother-in-law to build one. If it goes well and he's willing, I may be able to get more done for forum members. Also going to talk to him about a rear bumper, sliders and other armor.
