Putting on a GT Emblem... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Putting on a GT Emblem...


Explorer addict
Elite Explorer
August 27, 2001
Reaction score
Down by da river, hon
City, State
North East, MD
Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 Sport
Okay, I know I got lambasted for this in another thread that I started (which I now can not find), so I'm restarting it here. This pic is kinda crappy-I have better ones on the way and when I get them I'll repost.

For those who didn't read the old topic, I decided to get a 94-98 Mustang Gt Emblem, saw off the Mustang, and put the Gt on my X, since I had to buy new SPORT lettering (It never came with it-go fig). I have the stripes, the muffler, upgraded sound system, and a rather unique interior, so I figured 'what the hey? Might as well see how many people I can fool!' ;) So far I've gotten nothing but double takes and a young guy in a Cobra who just thought it was the coolest thing in the world and wanted to know where he could buy a GT Explorer, lol. Anyway, here's the pic, let the "Type R" bashing begin!


  • gt emblem.jpg
    gt emblem.jpg
    20.6 KB · Views: 448

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as the originator of the old flaming all i have to say is nice install. it looks really clean and i like it. hope you have fun driving it. i vote that the next mod is a chip (you have a kkm and exhaust right?)

oh yeah, and ditch the visor!!! heh heh ehe

extra emblems = no good ;)

im with expo5.0 on the chip idea though :D

oh yeah, and ditch the visor!!! heh heh ehe

:p :p :p It's not comin' off!:p :p :p

Exhaust, yes, KKm, no. Hopefully have both the KKm and the chip and the rims by midsummer though, even if I have to rob a bank, lol :rolleyes:

Hey spas, did u say u had to get a new SPORT emblem? if so where did u get it? I want to get one too

i got new explorer emblems from a dealership when i was making my custom explorer svt emblems

haha reminds me of when i spray painted "VTEC" on the bumper of my 81 corolla

You should put 5.0 badges on the front quarter panels too :cool:

i would have put an SI emblem instead

It's a wonder I don't catch on fire from all this 'love'........:D

Slick, I picked it up from my dealer for about $12, but they might have it on ebay the Ford parts network for cheaper.....

Originally posted by Spas
It's a wonder I don't catch on fire from all this 'love'........:D

nah, we still love you, just not necessarily the emblem ;) :p

hehe explorer TYPE R

I personally think it looks cool. I will prolly end up doing something like that. I found a v6 emblem kinda sorta shaped in a GT emblem form (hard to explain) said v6 high output, its carbon fiber too, i'll prolly get it eventually, also what kinda wing thing is that on the back of ur X?

Originally posted by Spas
Slick, I picked it up from my dealer for about $12, but they might have it on ebay the Ford parts network for cheaper.....
$12? I never knew those things cost that much...wait, I forgot it adds 50hp instantly :D

all she needs now is a coffee can exhuast =P

As much as I hate that type R crap it doesn't look too bad but it's still the whole fake thing. I think it would look better straight across from the SPORT though like this SPORT GT.

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