Reiter soon, Liberty middle summer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Reiter soon, Liberty middle summer

Diff Whack Daddy

And the Roll Over Posse! Under the Hood Moderator
Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
February 19, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Mount Vernon, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1st Gen XLT 4dr
Let's start discussing dates and plans. We'll start seperate threade for each later after we decide on dates.

Reiter pit should happen in late March early April. Ryan, please chime in on the camp sites that don't involve gunfire and rave parties.

Liberty is going to have to wait until mid to late summer to let the snow melt due to altitude. Let's start planning now to ensure it all comes together.

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Looks lik I'm on call for the first week of the month for a while. (3 weeks off, one week on).

I have a lot to do to the X and Casa De Blanco. I need some dry weather:rolleyes:

I would be up for going to Reiter!
As for camping up there, if you dont camp out right in the open(as in where people drive), or if you avoid the "2nd pit", we should be fine. Since they patrol it now, a lot of the underage partying has died down.:thumbsup:

Katie is right. They do patrol it pretty heavy now.

You have to remember that Phil and I need somewhere easily accesible to get the houses on wheels in. The F-350 is 4 wheel drive, but she's damn top heavy with the camper on :D

You have to remember that Phil and I need somewhere easily accesible to get the houses on wheels in. The F-350 is 4 wheel drive, but she's damn top heavy with the camper on :D

I don't think either of you would have any problems. There are a lot of spots at Reiter that are easily accessible to camp at.

I probably will not have my project done untill about the end of May so I will miss Reiter but should be ready for liberty.
I am going to buy a $500 camper to throw on the truck for when the wife does not come along

I probably will not have my project done untill about the end of May

Do you have a thread on that somewhere so we can watch your progress?

Early August is out for me

Wife's family is getting the whole fammily (11 siblings and their children/gran-children) together in Missoula early August, so I'll be fly fishing all week:D

not sure if i'll be ready for reiter but i'll try i might it depends on when it is
i'll definately come up tho lol

Spring break camping

The kid has Spring Break April 7th -11th. I'm trying to get my list of stuff to fix, done by then so we can go camping again.:thumbsup:

We'd leave Friday mid-morning. I'm not sure where we'll go. We don't have to wheel, we can ride our bikes and hang out.

Just thought I'd throw it out there and see what sticks to the wall:salute:

Reiter !

I'm booked on the weekends from now until the 19th-20th of April. Any chance that we can do a mid-week run?

No worries and I wouldn't expect guys to take off work mid-week just for a day at Reiter, but 7-11 April is a Monday - Friday. . .

'91 Sport

I can't take off work really, but I wouldn't mind later in April to make it work for people...

I'm booked on the weekends from now until the 19th-20th of April. Any chance that we can do a mid-week run?
'91 Sport

So does that mean you are available the 19th and 20th or not abailable until the next weekend, 26th and 27th?

There is no way I could do a mid week run. I work for the recruiting district now and am lucky to get weekends off:salute:

Is Reiter stock friendly?

Kevin -

I could make it 19-20 April, not before then, and I'm clogged up the week after. . .

Didn't really expect much positive feedback for a mid-week run; but don't let my calendar deter the best date for the majority of the group.

'91 Sport

I'm probably not going to be able to make it in April. The weekend after next I'm going to start to do gears in my brothers Yota front and rear. After that I'm going to start to rebuild the front end of my explorer. New knuckles, ball joints, hiems, ect. Not sure when I'll be done.

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$$$ is a little lacking to finish my rig yet but i'm hopeing that friday i can order parts lol that and parents decided to let me clean out the garauge in exchange i get to bring the bronco in it and work on it awwww heat and i can work late at night without pissing the neighbors off lol :thumbsup:
