Rock Jock 60 and ladder bar - Pumpkin on the upgrade path... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rock Jock 60 and ladder bar - Pumpkin on the upgrade path...


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
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Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST
The rear ARB differential carrier was broken by the shop which installed my 5:13 gears. They said they would pay for a new carrier, but I didn't want to put a new carrier in the 8.8 as I have been wanting to go to bigger tires, which IMO needed bigger diffs.

So... I'll be replacing the rear axle with an iron Currie Rockjock 60 high pinion Dana 60. Should give me good ground clearance, along with 35 spline axles, a spool, and bigger gears. A bit pricey, but I think it will be worth the investment.

Found this pic on the web:


Obviously mine won't have the brackets.

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10-4 Single link next to the pumpkin.

Super bling!

Good choice except i'd rethink the high pinion especially since you will go up in tire size...just my opinion:D

I thought about that. I know there are drawbacks to the reverse cut, but I believe it should handle everything the stock V6 can throw at it, even with larger tires.

Might be worth it to get a diff cover with load bolts to help fight gear deflection from this guy:

They aren't listed on his site but he takes a RuffStuff diff cover and modifies them with load bolts like the aluminum ones available for the 8.8's.

Or you might ask the new fab shop you will be using to make you one, it doesn't seem that incredibly hard to do...easy for me to say:p:

I'll probably go with the same cover I have on my 8.8". It's served me well for a long time...


Wait, diff cover for the RockJock rear? It's pointing up man - just leave it open like a fishbowl, maybe keep a few goldfishies swimming in there for entertainment.

I would personally rethink those lower link/shock mounts. I would modify to bringing them up higher. The additional clearance achieved with the high pinion rev cut is being defeated by lower link/shock mount on each side in my opinion.

Nice set-up Rick, and that D60 should be able to take anything you throw at it. And the rev cut is not going to be an issue or Currie being the name brand they are and reputation they have would not be producing them and the sweet penny you are throwing at it is well worth every penny.

I would personally rethink those lower link/shock mounts. I would modify to bringing them up higher. The additional clearance achieved with the high pinion rev cut is being defeated by lower link/shock mount on each side in my opinion.
I agree for the most part but the closer you get to the tires, the less clearance is an issue since the tire will already be on or over the obstacle.

I would personally rethink those lower link/shock mounts. I would modify to bringing them up higher. The additional clearance achieved with the high pinion rev cut is being defeated by lower link/shock mount on each side in my opinion.

You missed this part:

Obviously mine won't have the brackets.

Skyjumper, Those brackets are for a Toyota or Jeep application.

Nice choice Rick. That rear end should hold up to v6 power, your tires and recreational rockcrawling.

Originally posted by Brian1
You missed this part:

Oh I must of missed that part about the brackets not going to be there.

Originally posted IZwack

I agree for the most part but the closer you get to the tires, the less clearance is an issue since the tire will already be on or over the obstacle.
And yes that is true when it comes to obstacles, but I can not count on how many times I have just about conquered an obstacle and as I roll over it and come down the rock or whatever it is and get hung up on the shock mount laying on top of the obstacle. But that is good news on not having all the bracketry on the rearend for his application.

But that is a awesome rearend Rick.

Hey rick, just curious on why the spool and not an ARB again. with my welded rear it is fine off road but sure sucks when I have drive it on the street. I know you don't drive much on the pavement but I sure wish I had something different in the rear.

And the rev cut is not going to be an issue or Currie being the name brand they are and reputation they have would not be producing them and the sweet penny you are throwing at it is well worth every penny.

Hopefully it won't be an issue. The simple fact is a high pinion axle is weaker than a low pinion axle in a rear end application. Currie as well as Dynatrac and Solid Industries to name a few all make their own HP housings. That's not going to stop them from selling one to a customer who wants to run one as a rear axle.

Hopefully it won't be an issue. The simple fact is a high pinion axle is weaker than a low pinion axle in a rear end application. Currie as well as Dynatrac and Solid Industries to name a few all make their own HP housings. That's not going to stop them from selling one to a customer who wants to run one as a rear axle.

could just drive backwards:p: much more interesting:D

could just drive backwards:p: much more interesting:D

There ya go:D
I'm sure it will be fine, for a comp guy it's probably more of a concern...i'd rather have one than my 8.8.

What's the tire plan? Or is that top secret for now? :D

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