Someone help me before i commit suicide--fanbelt! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Someone help me before i commit suicide--fanbelt!


Active Member
November 3, 2007
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I have a 2001 sporttrac, purchased used.

The seller didn't tell me about the fanbelt problem!

After i bought it, it starts to make this cricket sound, which became louder and louder, to the point of driving me mad and also causing me great embarrassment.

I changed the fanbelt--twice--but the noise is gone for only a couple of weeks or so with the new belt, and sure enough the same noise comes back.

I also changed the idler and tensioner. Didn't help.

Then, I sprayed something called fanbelt conditioner, which is supposed to make less slippage (I was thinking the slipping belt causes this noise). Well, a bit of that spray make the noise sound like a 747 flying overhead!

So... I bought this high temp grease (used in bearings). Then, I put some of this grease (actually a teaspoon full) on the thread part of the serpentine belt.

Miraculously, the noise dissappeared...all for about 20 miles. Then the noise came back. I put more grease, then no noise, then after 20 miles or so, noise comes back.

So, what does this mean???

More importantly, how can i get it fixed? I can't spend $50 everytime I have a noise, which is about every 2 weeks after a new belt if placed in...

Help me before I jump off a bridge!!!

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Chances are its not the belt at all.

To isolate the noise, remove the belt and run the motor. If no noise, check the pulleys.

Good luck ....

Well. I did that, and no noise when the belt is removed.

The pullies all spin freely.

And as I said, I replaced idler and tensioner...

When I replace the belt with a new one, the sound dissapears immediately, albeit only temporarily...

Chances are its not the belt at all.

To isolate the noise, remove the belt and run the motor. If no noise, check the pulleys.

Good luck ....

the pulleys spinning freely isn't a good check, it's how smoothly they spin, do they feel dry/harsh

I was told my water pump was gone, and it turned out to be an idler pulley on my ranger.

???? but you changed the idler and tensioner

it's not the A/C pump cycling - this is normal.

the pulleys spinning freely isn't a good check, it's how smoothly they spin, do they feel dry/harsh

I was told my water pump was gone, and it turned out to be an idler pulley on my ranger.

???? but you changed the idler and tensioner

it's not the A/C pump cycling - this is normal.

Yeah, they spin smoothly, like well oiled feeling.
A/C pump cycling seems to work fine--sometimes spinning, sometimes not spinning.

The strange thing is that the noise goes away completely for about 20 miles or so IF i replace the belt with a new one...

If one of the pulley was the problem, the noise should continue whether or not the belt is changed?

ok, then just take the belt off and put it back on
see if you get the same symptoms -the noise goes away for 20 miles

if that happens I still say tensioner problem, but you already put a new one on

check to see if the belt is aligned when the noise is there

yeah, it's aligned.

By the way, is the tensioner supposed to not jiggle?

Mine has a slight jiggle off it's axis (sideways to and from the driver's seat to the fanbelt). I am wondering whether this is normal...

ok, then just take the belt off and put it back on
see if you get the same symptoms -the noise goes away for 20 miles

if that happens I still say tensioner problem, but you already put a new one on

check to see if the belt is aligned when the noise is there

should be solid - no sideways, just up and down to give the belt tension

take the belt off and see if the bolt is tight, overtightening will strip the threads in aluminium - be careful

How many miles ago did you replace the idler pulley and tensioner?

I once had a brand new tensioner cause similar problems.

I just replaced them thinking they were the problem, but after replacement, still the same noise..

a screwdriver long screwdriver can be used like a stethoscope. hold the end of handle to your ear and place the tip at various points untill you can isolate where the noise transmits through it the loudest

I have done basically everything all the threads here have suggested. It's none of the pulleys.

And I put huge amounts of grease on both the underbelly and the smooth part of the serpentine belt. it helps, but the noise comes back slowly sooner or later.

My next effort tomorrow morning is to clean all the pulleys with alcohol and soap and the belt cleaning also. I bought 2 toothbrushes just for this purpose.

I am thinking that perhaps small dust particles haven been sticking to the pulleys and the belt after a while, because it's dusty here in Philippines.

What are the chances that this will work? any thoughts?

Kinda having the same problem. Except I think it may be the timing chain.. At about 2,500-3,000 rpm I notice a rattle noise. I have no Idea what it is. I already replaced the belt tensioner when I bought it.

Timing chain?
Does 2001 sport trac have that? Is that different from the pulley system and belt?

I have replaced tensioner TWICE. that's definitely not it for me.


Well, everytime I put a new belt in, the noise dissappears for like 20 miles. So that rules out timing chain, no?

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if you have a camera record a little video and post it on youtube.
