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Someone i am begging you to help me!!!

My husband is going to try and take it off again today...in the meantime, Ill look around for a fuel pressure gauge...I'll keep you guys updated. Thanks =)

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just a thought...

Another possibility is the catalytic converter may be plugged. Easy check is get a vacuum gauge. and "T" it in to a vacuum line n the engine that pulls vacuum whenever the engine is running. slowly throttle up, and if the gauge jumps up then slowly drops off to nothing at the same time the engine slows down and dies .the engine is choked and you have a restriction in the exhaust

I bet the fuel pressure is fine, your issue is somewhere else I would think.

I might check into the MAF again. The choking out as soon as you hit the gas usually relates to a MAF in a Ford.

The one from the 96 would not work anyway because that is 4 pin and yours is 6 pin.

I bet the fuel pressure is fine, your issue is somewhere else I would think.

I might check into the MAF again. The choking out as soon as you hit the gas usually relates to a MAF in a Ford.
I think you're right.

ITS FIXED!!! At least, its been running fine all day today! We've tested it out...I mean REALLY put it to the test! And it seems fine so far!! =) =)

Because this forum has been such a BIG help...I want to make sure I update you all!

Husband took off the cat converter on the passenger back side by the exhaust. Started up...and he gassed and gassed and gassed and it was fine. LOUD but fine!! So what he and his friend did was take the cat and stick a long pipe into it and hammered away. We gutted all the insides out. Hawaii does not have to pass an emissions test and there is no laws or any such thing like that either =) Anyway, after we gutted it, put the cat back on...and it started and he gassed and gassed and gassed. Sounded just like it did before...wasnt even loud. Idled...almost PERFECTLY. Shut it down, started RIGHT back up again!! A tear of joy actually fell from my eye! We didnt spend not ANOTHER dollar on anything....not even on a fuel pressure gauge =)

So this is what we did...in case anyone has similar symptoms and wondering what steps to take. I'm not sure if the cause of my engine shutting down on the highway was my bad cat but it was the ending cause for sure.

But this is what we did after we towed it home and within the past two weeks:
-Checked for spark (FREE)
-Bought and installed new coil pack ($80 for coils)
-Cleaned MAF, IAC, throttle body. (FREE)
-Pulled the fuel tank down and noticed all rust and water in the gas and tank (FREE + A FRIEND + MUSCLES)
-Flushed the fuel lines with air (FREE...OUR FRIEND HAD AN AIR COMPRESSOR)
-Bought a used tank/pump from a person selling parts off of an Explorer. Cleaned that tank (just to be sure) and put both in. ($75 FOR TANK/PUMP, $60 TO PUT GAS IN OUR FRIENDS CAR FOR TAKING US UP THERE)
-Bought a new fuel filter....put that in ($12)
-Bought new gas...filled her up ($20)
-Swapped fuel pump relay with horn relay (FREE)
-Tapped and checked crank sensor (FREE)
-Tapped and played with the throttle position sensor(FREE)
-Pulled catalyst converter off...gutted it....DONE!!(FREE)

There ya go! And then of course, we called a "mobile mechanic" who charged us $135 for a complete diagnostic (who totally ripped us off) and told us it was the computer...YAH RIGHT! Then we bought that wrong fuel pressure gauge for $30. Total spent...$412 to fix her up! She seems fine so far....Ill keep you folks informed if she decides to take another vacay!


Another possibility is the catalytic converter may be plugged. Easy check is get a vacuum gauge. and "T" it in to a vacuum line n the engine that pulls vacuum whenever the engine is running. slowly throttle up, and if the gauge jumps up then slowly drops off to nothing at the same time the engine slows down and dies .the engine is choked and you have a restriction in the exhaust

Looks like you win the prize! :thumbsup:

So.... I'm wondering if there will be another 4 page/68+ post thread for when that CEL comes on shortly, due to the gutted cat? Or maybe they'll start 3 threads? :rolleyes:

To the OP, you know you could have just unbolted the cat, to test it, right? And then, replaced it with a universal replacement, fairly cheaply. So cheaply in fact, that, had you not destroyed it, the scrap value of the bad oem cat would have almost paid for a new aftermarket replacement (at least the cheapy universal ones.) Instead, you will still end up needing to replace it, and you destroyed the old one, throwing away.........wait....for.....it..... PLATINUM and other valuable precious metals.

Oh, and yes, Hawaii DOES have emissions laws. Last I checked, it is still a US state, and therefor, the FEDERAL Clean Air Act applies. Now, I don't really care if you break this law. However, I do care that you are misinformed/misguided about what the law is.

Also, leaving the cat gutted, long term, is not a "fix". It will turn on the check engine light shortly, and your fuel economy and performance (especially low end torque) will be reduced. Based on your previous posts, I doubt you would understand the explanation why, so I won't bother. Just know it's true. You need to either install a new cat, or replace the gutted shell with an appropriately sized piece of pipe. (This will not be a "popular" solution, but it is far better than leaving a gutted cat.)

If the cats were clogged then there has to be a cause because a good running engine would not have the cats go bad (unless its a cheby ha ha). Usually raw fuel is the cause for cats going bad. Raw fuel would get there by a miss fire, bad plug(s) ect.

If the cats were clogged then there has to be a cause because a good running engine would not have the cats go bad (unless its a cheby ha ha). Usually raw fuel is the cause for cats going bad. Raw fuel would get there by a miss fire, bad plug(s) ect.

Yeah, that too. This problem isn't fixed. I'm sure the soap opera will continue. Stay tuned folks. We'll be right back after some more broken parts and mechanical mayhem. :D

that just gives me time to make popcorn and grab a soda!

If the cats were clogged then there has to be a cause because a good running engine would not have the cats go bad (unless its a cheby ha ha). Usually raw fuel is the cause for cats going bad. Raw fuel would get there by a miss fire, bad plug(s) ect.

Out of curiosity, do you think it's possible that this could be related to the horrible rusty & water-filled fuel filter she mentioned? If there was contaminants in the fuel, is it conceiveable that they traveled through the engine and contributed to the fouled cat?

Out of curiosity, do you think it's possible that this could be related to the horrible rusty & water-filled fuel filter she mentioned? If there was contaminants in the fuel, is it conceiveable that they traveled through the engine and contributed to the fouled cat?

Related? Yes. But I doubt that any "contaminants" would have made it all the way through the filter, the rest of the fuel system, the injectors, survived the combustion process, and then made their way all the way through the exhaust, in a form large enough to clog the cat. I do believe that the plugged filter, and whatever caused it, could have caused a lean condition; enough to melt the cat(s). The bad fuel COULD have also traveled far enough to clog one or more injectors.

Like I said, I doubt this little saga is over.


check your pressure in your exaust system. Some of your codes that popped up were o2 sensor and catalyst sensor. If your catalytic converter is plugged completely your car will not run longer than a couple minutes. That would also explain lack of power climbing hills. it may have not been clogged all the way before but it may be now. that woulobe be an easy fix, just cut it off and put a piece of flexpipe in its place.

check your pressure in your exaust system. Some of your codes that popped up were o2 sensor and catalyst sensor. If your catalytic converter is plugged completely your car will not run longer than a couple minutes. That would also explain lack of power climbing hills. it may have not been clogged all the way before but it may be now. that woulobe be an easy fix, just cut it off and put a piece of flexpipe in its place.

Read up a few posts. She already found the main problem - it was a clogged cat, and gutted the cat.


oh well good. I am glad she fixed it, Sorry I didnt read all the posts lol.

Sensor tests

I'm having an issue with my 94 where it won't rev over 1500 rpm and I'm testing all my sensors I'm posting Videos on you tube have done 3 so far which all could cause your problem the Mass Airflow Sensor (MAF) The Throttle Position Sensor (TPS) and Air Charge temp Sensor (ACT) Very easy to check with a volt meter you just need to look up the voltage that your model Runs at should be very similar to mine since less then an 02 I'll Post videos in a sec and put the link here
I'm still doing a couple other sensors today the Crank and Camshaft sensors I'll post later Think this is the link for the MAF check again this is on a 94 so your sensor will be on your rounder airbox but Wire color codes should be the same Will post more later http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xz9uzl3iUvY MAF Sensor
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svh5VsWIEkQ TPS Sensor
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyrDhudPWLU Air Charge Temp Sensor


I'm having an issue with my 94 where it won't rev over 1500 rpm and I'm testing all my sensors I'm posting Videos on you tube have done 3 so far which all could cause your problem the Mass Airflow Sensor (MAF) The Throttle Position Sensor (TPS) and Air Charge temp Sensor (ACT) Very easy to check with a volt meter you just need to look up the voltage that your model Runs at should be very similar to mine since less then an 02 I'll Post videos in a sec and put the link here
I'm still doing a couple other sensors today the Crank and Camshaft sensors I'll post later Think this is the link for the MAF check again this is on a 94 so your sensor will be on your rounder airbox but Wire color codes should be the same Will post more later http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xz9uzl3iUvY

I think I forgot how to read...cause I didn't get any of that.

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I think I forgot how to read...cause I didn't get any of that.

Lol Was saying to check those 3 sensors they can all cause timing and fuel mix issues and that I was making videos on how to test them, And Just solved my trucks problem which surprised me was the crankshaft sensor plug had gotten nasty inside and wouldn't let the pulse from the rotating Crankshaft get to the Ecm Putting the truck into limp mode not letting it go over 1500 rpm so in addition to testing your Sensors make sure the plugs are clean inside if not wd 40 will work in a pinch but I'd use Brake cleaner if you've got it handy to clean the terminals of the plug side and sensor side Everything else pretty self explanatory
