The ROCKET part deux | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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The ROCKET part deux

Well as most of you know by now my old explorer that you used to see in my avatar and that i made quite a few videos of and put ALOOOOT of money into has been totalled out due to a bad car accident. Well it just so happens that i was able to acquire an 03 V-8 4.6 liter black explorer for a a decent price a shade under the price of a HOUSE!!! lol. Well anyways. Just to let some of you know my old stuff that was almost completely installed in the old 5.0 X is not going to go into the new 4.6 liter X. Instead that is going into a 5.0 mustang project later on in a while. As for my plans for the explorer,.........Well they are serious and very drastic. They will be not be abel to be started till about one or twoyears from now but when i do it will be a pretty fast progression when i can start it. The project mainly consists of one of two plans that i have thought of but still undecided. One is to keep my stock Romeo 4.6 aluminum block and drop in low compression forged internals and top it off with DOHC Cobra heads that have had some adjusting. And then of course top it off with a Kenne Bell Twin screw supercharger at about 17 or 18 psi of boost. The other plan is to somehow come across an 03 cobra lower engine assembly minus the roots charger and then tweak that engine a little and then install a Kene Bell blowzilla charger just like the first plan and crank it to 17 or so psi. And then there comes the possibility of me just getting full aftermarket 4 valve heads instead of messing with the Cobra heads. Alot of you are probably saying. MAN THAT IS ALOT OF MONEY!!! Yeah it is. But i have plans for that. Along with that of course comes the other stuff when you plan on making that much horsepower. first would be to send my tranny off to Lentech or another reputable tranny builder. Or maybe just order another whole built tranny completely separate from the stock one. I will have to work those details out later. Then of course comes the custom driveline components, and the built rear end. Yeah it is IRS. But i can deal with it. I know this will take alot of time and even more money but i am really serious about it, especially being that i was days away from completing my 5.0 explorer supercharger project when i wrecked that truck. So i feel like it is a personal challenge now. There are alot of details i left out that might want to be mentioned but that is it for now. I just wanted to give you all the heads up that i will be competing for the fastest 4th gen explorer here in a few years. Sounds like a long time and it is but i will stick to it. You all just have to be patient. MY lst charger project took about a full year if anyone was following that one since the beginning. And it was sooooooo close to being done. Well anyways just hit me up if you want to know anything about what i got planned or any other questions.

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We are all tuned in and can't wait to see it come arround! When you get done building a 4.6 DOHC, blown and done right. Let me know so I can get the same thing in my Sport!

Were do you get the money for all this?

I save it up over the period of a long time. It took me 7 months to save the money to do my last supercharger project, and this will take twice as long to save for because it will be more than twice or three times as expensive. I am very tight with my money. I have my fun with it once in a while but i mainly just keep an eye on it and dont just blow it on dumb stuff.

I cant wait for this to get started, rob. I might be just as excited as you are....well, i doubt it, but it will truly bad-ass to see a 3rd gen X set up like yours. Forget heating, air conditioning, food, clothes, rent, etc, etc, et al. They're all over-rated. :p Concentrate on the X. :D

Originally posted by STANN
Forget heating, air conditioning, food, clothes, rent, etc, etc, et al. They're all over-rated. :p Concentrate on the X. :D

I was thinking the same thing. I will just live in and work on the X for the next few years. Beg for food, or rummage dumpsters, maybe fight a few local dogs for their table scraps they get. And showers are over rated, besides it is going to be the rainy season here soon. Besides since i will be covered with oil and stuff so often the dirt wont have a chance to stick to me!!! lol.

Yeah i am really excited too but it is still a long way off from now. But i can be patient.

that is bad news but the good thing is a o3 cobra motor in your truck would be truly bad @ss. all you need to do is borow some parts from the lincoln aviator and a computer reflash. 03 explorer with 03 cobra parts and some aviator = one bad explorer.

Originally posted by blk mk8
that is bad news but the good thing is a o3 cobra motor in your truck would be truly bad @ss. all you need to do is borow some parts from the lincoln aviator and a computer reflash. 03 explorer with 03 cobra parts and some aviator = one bad explorer.

Hmmmm, Theres a Cobra running around here, and an Aviator next door, and the parents have a 4.6

So can you PM me some instructions/details ;)

Hey Todd i believe Dan was talking that it would be badass if it were from a cobra and LEGAL. lol. Heck if only SVT would let you do that one day trial deal where they let you take it overnight. I am sure that being that my heads in my 2 valve are new that the morons wouldnt even know the difference. lol. Free 03 motor? yep that would be sweet!!! Well either way it will take a while but i have set my mind to doing it. And once that happens all it is, is time from there.

Yeah winning the lotto would be nice but for now i will stick to real estate investment. more likely of an actual payoff.

Glad to see you're getting right back into it. I'm definately going to stay posted.

Well here is the latest and greatest picture of my truck. I know it doesnt have to do with performance exactly. but man i think it makes it look faster. lol. Besides those rims are pretty light for being 20" rims.


  • new truck with 20\'s 001.jpg
    new truck with 20\'s 001.jpg
    67.8 KB · Views: 717

:eek: Looks awesome, Rocket! Now get her done! :p

Wow. That already looks badass. Congratulations on already having a beautiful truck.

Thanks alot Stann. Yeah the rims really brought out the truck alot i think. And they go very nicely with my new exhaust tips i got in the back of the truck. Plus the front 20% tint helped a bit too. Sure doesnt help keep the sun out of the cab enough though. WHEW!!! Man does it get hot in there when it is parked. Man o man i am glad i have A/C in there, otherwise i would be all dried out right now. lol.

Well badddd muthurf*cking engine is next. But lowering will get thrown in there somewhere along the way when I get bored or hit a glitch in the engine building. I mean the kit only costs like $250 or so i think.

Oh and by the way I got my MAC intake in it about a month ago or so. With the 20's on and everything it ran a 15.8 @85 in the 1/4 mile, I figure if I took my 20's off and ran stockers it would have saved me about .15-.20 or so. And it was kind of hot out that night too!

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If I may make a suggestion. Since the motor build is awhile away, take the hit and go ahead and shave that nasty roofrack and lower the thing a couple of inches, and add a billet grille. Then the truck would truely be beautiful. Just my $0.02.

Don't get me wrong, make the truck fast, i love that mine is a lot faster than it used to be. Having power on hand is always fun. Watch out though, speed is VERY addicting, i think you already have the bug...
