Trailmaster '98-'00 update... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Trailmaster '98-'00 update...


Pumpkin Pilot
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Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
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I know... we've heard it before, but this sounds promising. I just got off the phone with the President of Trailmaster. He said that the kits have been produced, the dealers have been sent intial notification with a part number and all they are waiting for is the print shop to come back with their instruction manuals.

The kits should be available through Trailmaster's dealer network after July 24th. Members of this website will be able to recieve a 10% discount from Trailmaster as a rebate. This will be good for 90 days from the release of the product. More details will be available July 17th right here on this website.

As many of you had read, Juan had a problem with his front driveshaft after he had done his custom conversion. I spoke to Trailmaster about this and they said that some of the Explorers experience a problem, but not all. If you do experience a problem, they have new driveshaft available with double cardan joints to eliminate the vibration. I'm sure the driveshaft would be an additional expense.

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that's all i have to say. HALLELUIAH!!!

The kit is for the 4x4s only.

do u know if the 4x4 will fit a 4x2? wouldnt it be cheaper to make one for a 4x2? u think someone will alter it to fit a 4x2?

First of all, I must say that this is truly great news, or have I said that before. Perhaps the availability of the ARB springs lit a little fire under the backside of Trailmaster. Or maybe they were just waiting for demand to pick up a bit. Whatever the reason, I'm glad to see progress in this area.

Swak, I don't know how the 4wd kit would be adapted to work on the 2wd. I do know that there will likely be extra parts, as you don't have a front diffy to drop. You also have a completely different front spindle which may complicate things quite a bit. On the other hand, you should have torsion bars and upper/lower control arms though I don't know if they mount any differently than on a 4wd.

I'd say the best thing to do is wait until someone here installs one and see how the parts match what you have. You may also look at Todd Curtiss's Explorer under the reader's rides section on the main page. It has pics of his installation.

You'll want to look at every front piece carefully, control arms, steering knuckle, tie rods, etc. to see what may be interchangeable. Some fabrication may be necessary, or it may not work at all.

Swak, Fabtech makes a nice looking kit for 2wd late model explorers, you might try, I don't think they have it listed on their site, but you might try e-mailing them and asking about it, and they should be able to help you out.

thanks for the help guys. i have a 99 xlt 4 door 4x2 and would love to make it taller then the other suv's outt here. not too much.. just enough. i wil keep my ears and eye open. u guys see any 4x2 lifts for late model explorers, let me know. thanks again

Is there any mention of price? The ranger kit could be modified but is easily $2000 just for the parts. Ouch I'll stick with the body lift and add-a-leaf torsion lift.

I understand Fly-N-Hi does 4x4 conversions. I am going up to that area for other reasons in August...does anyone know how much 4x4 conversions cost? Thanks...

is there realy a fabtech lift for 95+ 2wd?????

I have written to Fabtech via e-mail before and they are working on a 2wd lift for 95+ Explorers. If I had a 2wd 95+ Explorer, I would not worry, it is a simple lift to make because you do not have the complexities of a 4wd system. Try going to Fabtech's site and contacting them, I am almost 100% that a 2wd lift will or is available, just don't quote me on it though.:)

Does anyone know if this kit will fit a 95 4wd with 4doors? And, how many inches is it?

It is a 4 inch lift, and with some modifications, it can fit a 95-97 Explorer. Some places will put a 98+ Ranger lift on your truck (4 iches as well, but it will cost more.

Do you know what kind of modifications to the kit would be needed? And, how much does it cost?

There's no word on price yet that I've heard. I expect it to be similar in price to their Ranger IFS kit that Juan has had modified to fit his, but since it's made for an Explorer it shouldn't cost as much to coonvert/install.

The only difference in your '95-'97 and the '98+ models is that your rear torsion bar brackets are welded onto the frame instead of bolted on to the frame. The only modification that should be required to make the Trailmaster kit work will be to cut/weld and convert your rear torsion brackets to match the '98+. There are many, many members here with '95-'97s that will do that exact thing when the lift comes out.

Hope that helped.

I don't know what the price will be, but I can tell you that you can get 10% rebate from Trailmaster if you tell them that you heard about it from this site. Details about this limited time offer will be made available here on July 17th.

Can I not take a 98-00 Ranger 2WD lift and put it on my Explorer? I mean there aren't many parts in the kit so how hard could it be?

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If anyone would like to see the Trailmaster lift on a 1999 Explorer Limited please click on my web page Icon at the bottom of this post (little red house with www). I took a side shot of the Trailmaster Truck in Truckhaven. I used Photoshop 5.0 to superimpose my truck onto the Trailmasters. Hope you get a good idea of what it will look like.

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[Edited by greengoose on 07-10-2000 at 09:47 PM]
