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what color ?

ok, i got a teal eddie with the tan aat the bottom, i have seen people paint this tan a differant color! i was thinking black but dont know how that looks against teal!
i seen some one spray bed liner on it, i thought about it! help with not denting it!
any info on what color to go with, cause that tan is just not kewl! lol!

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Quick photoshop of teal on my EB that I painted the tan to black.


  • Teal.jpg
    96.7 KB · Views: 172

Quick photoshop of teal on my EB that I painted the tan to black.

how hard was it to paint it? did u sand it down, then paint, or prim it hten paint, or just say screw it, and paintid right over it????

how hard was it to paint it? did u sand it down, then paint, or prim it hten paint, or just say screw it, and paintid right over it????

I don't think he sanded it at all :D

oh--you mean the black--lol

I don't think he sanded it at all :D

oh--you mean the black--lol


93explorer4life said:
how hard was it to paint it? did u sand it down, then paint, or prim it hten paint, or just say screw it, and paintid right over it????
I taped it off, roughed it up with scotch bright, wiped it clean and started spraying. If you look at my truck, it's pretty beat up, so I wasn't too worried about getting it really nice. I contemplated taking the moulding off, but that would have been way more work than I was looking for. :cool:

ok so i think im going with the black, so what do u suggest i do to prep it?????
i know it needs sanded so the paint cah have something to hold, and tape off waht i dont want painted, my dad has a paint gun so that will be fun, and i think thats it! anything else????

Forget the gun do krylon ultra flat black, or duplicolor spray on bedliner. Use scotch bright pads to ruff it up then use a painters tack cloth to wipe it down. Oh and be sure to mask off the door jam, so you dont get paint in between the crack where the 2 doors meet.

Forget the gun do krylon ultra flat black, or duplicolor spray on bedliner. Use scotch bright pads to ruff it up then use a painters tack cloth to wipe it down. Oh and be sure to mask off the door jam, so you dont get paint in between the crack where the 2 doors meet.

so y the krylon ultra flat??? and not just anything else????
and i thought about a bed liner, cause that would make it a lill bit tougher and it would look perty sweet! but its pricy!
and this scotch brite pads.....where could i find em????
i wouldnt have to worry about getting paint between where the two doors meet, cause i would most likely have em doors open, or off, i think it would make it so much eisier!

so y the krylon ultra flat??? and not just anything else????
and i thought about a bed liner, cause that would make it a lill bit tougher and it would look perty sweet! but its pricy!
and this scotch brite pads.....where could i find em????
i wouldnt have to worry about getting paint between where the two doors meet, cause i would most likely have em doors open, or off, i think it would make it so much eisier!

Krylon ultra flat black is Froaders paint of choice! I did mine with the truck bed liner used 2 cans ($8 each) and I had $20 total in the mod. Scotch brite pads you can get them at home depot, or any auto parts store, in there paint section, don’t forget the tack rag either it removes the dust from the paint before you paint.
