What kind of on board air is everyone running??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What kind of on board air is everyone running???

Derrick C.

Moderator Drinkin Corona
Moderator Emeritus
September 11, 2000
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Twin Falls, Idaho---------B.F.E.
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91 XLT, 92 XL
I'm running my ARB compressor and I have a portable Quick Air 2.

Just wondering what everyone else uses before leaving the trail or on the trail. Anyone use CO2 yet???

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I have been using CO2 for about 2 years now and love it. I started with a 20lb tank and about a year ago got another CO2 setup with a 5lb tank. I built both of the systems myself by scavenging the regulators guages, hoses, fittings and tanks. For both systems I probably have right around $100 into them total. If you make it yourself it is alot cheaper than a "powertank"

I ran a 5lb CO2 bottle from scavenged parts also, about $70 in the system. It worked really well with 31s, but a 5lb bottle isn't that great with 33s, it will only last for a short trip, not many repeated de/inflations.

I use a truck air. was about 35 bucks at wal mart if i remember right. It works fairly well but takes alot of time to air up tires.


I use a Sanden compressor, driven by the engine.

It fills tires as fast as the CO2 does, and runs air tools. Several board members have taken advantage of this pump already. My sanden setup looks like this:


My previous 2 air compressors was the Truck Air compressor and a Viair 200h hard mount compressor.

The truckair compressor looks like this:


The viair looks like this:


The Viair I mounted in the back of the vehicle, where the spare tire used to go. Since I was running 35's, that location was just empty.. I placed it above a 5 gallon air tank, and it never had problems back there.

When Tom is not around to mooch air off of, I use a TruckAir too. ;)

I've got a 10lb Powertank. Its great, although a bit expensive as mentioned. I can 3-4 trips out of it, airing up both my 35's and my brothers 33's.

Originally posted by RangerX
When Tom is not around to mooch air off of, I use a TruckAir too. ;)

In thinking of this, the one time I wish we had picture of was when Rick bent that rim at Truckhaven. It was wild to see people wailing on that rim to get it back straight enough to hold air - and then it held air for another 3 months!

We used my compressor to re-seat the bead that day.

VA doesn't have roads that go far enough off a trail to have to "air" up after a ride, so I just air down and then rock the roads for 5-6 miles til I get to free air. Otherwise I just pump it up with a 12V air pump thyat does absolutely nothing...

I run CO2. It can be used to inflate the tires and can also be used as a shielding gas with my Ready Welder.

I use C02, and it's great. I have two tanks one 20lb and a 5lb. I take the 20lb out when i'm with alot other people wheeln. I keep the the 5 lb as a back up, it will fill 33's 8 times before a refill. The 20lb will do it about 25 to 30 times before refills. Also whats nice is running air tools. The cost of refill out here aren't to bad about $11.00 for the 20lb tank. Havn't refilled the 5lb tank yet. I have about $90.00 tied up in both of them.

I'm looking to buy some type of air compressor. I have shied away from converting the AC compressor. So what is everybody else using???

i want to mount a compressor on my x but i want somthing that can run air tools and im wondering what kind of psi's can the arb unit go to ? how hard is it to convert a ac pump (or is it possible)? thanx

Originally posted by general x
i want to mount a compressor on my x but i want somthing that can run air tools and im wondering what kind of psi's can the arb unit go to ? how hard is it to convert a ac pump (or is it possible)? thanx

The ARB will not run air tools unless you add a tank to it to store air in. Then it will only run tools till the tank runs out. IT is slow at filling tires back up as well. An ac pump can easily be converted and not that hard at all. www.onboardair.com has info on it as well. For more info do a search on the boards over at www.pirate4x4.com They will have plenty of info on there about the setups. They will beable to keep up without a problem with air tools. We are putting a york air compressor on my girlfriends jeep right now. We had one similar to tdavis setup before but are switching to the york cause we are swaping motors and the york was easier to do then the old setup.


call me crazy but I use a DC to AC inverter, with a small are compressor. it can run air tools on light apps. it fills tires up really fast and its a light weight compact setup. if I need to I can plug in AC powered tools and gadgets as well.

I just got the VIAIR 200H compressor and Diggers 2.5 gallon tank..

tdavis: Did you run a psi switch to have the compressor turn on and off or did you do it manually?

I'm in the works of running a Viair 300 series compressor along with a 5 gallon air tank. I just have to get a pressure switch along with a regular rocker switch to turn it on/off.

My son carries a scuba tank with an inflator fitting on a long hose from the regulator.

Im about to wire up my VIAIR 200H.. im a little short and cant quite make it to the batter though..

Can i disconnect a cig lighter and go off that or will the compressor pull too many amps for that wire?

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Matt I would wire it directly using a heavy gauge wire. I ran mine to the battery using 8 gauge wire. You want someting that can handle atleast 30 amps of load. The stock wire off the cig. lighter probably can't handle that load. incidentally, I found out why mine wasn't holding air & pumping air effeciently. Apparently I actually rattled a fitting on my tank loose so I had to get out the old solder & propane gas torch & solder the fitting tight.
