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Will they fit Revo's

Hello I'm about to purchase a set of Bridgestone Duelers AT Revo and I was wondering if I would be able to fit 245/70/15 on my truck with out any rubbing issuse or anything. I have aftermarket rims that have a offset of negative 30mm and 15x8 they already stick out alittle bit. With the wider looking rims and the wider tire would i have any fender rubbing or clearance problems Thank you


I have new information, I decieded on the 265/70/15 or the 31/10.5/15, The 265 are 29.6 inches in diamater so there about an inch smaller but would I be able to fit the 31 with any rubbing problems with stock height or would the other size fit no problem. I have the running boards if that makes a difference. Thank you

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most Explorers will fit 31s without a problem -- however every vehicle is different (i.e. spring wear, load, etc.) Many people have fitted 31s without a problem, but some do end up rubbing. I would go with 31s
Lifts and Tire Sizes


EDIT: Fixed my post! Forgot this was a first gen!

Well since you don't have torsion bars, you won't be abot to do a torsion twist up front. You could get coil seats from an older F-150 to lift the front up but would need to do an alignment afterwards too. Go for the 31s and you should be good.

If they do rub, invest in some $60 replacement coil's


your alighnment will thank you

I heard from people because i have the offseted rims on the vehicle that with the bigger tires I will get the rear wheels rubbing in the fender wheel? Would if be much or just nothing to much to worry about. I only have 3.53 or something low like that, will i suffer lots of power lose and acceleration or are the 31's worth it.

Well I order the set of tires 31x10.5x15 Dueler Revo's, Should I have any concernse because the rims are sticking out more with the negative offset. with the turning wheels, Will i have to trim the front air damn to get them to clear.? Either way don't matter just wondering if anybody got negative offset rims with 31's with no lift. Just in time for bogging time.
