"Wisp" sound at throttle body when accelerating / delayed response/ occasional dying | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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"Wisp" sound at throttle body when accelerating / delayed response/ occasional dying


Explorer Addict
December 28, 2016
Reaction score
City, State
Orange county, Ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 Explorer 4X 4.0 ohv
Hey gang,
So lingering gremlin....installed new IAC / fuel regulator / camshaft synchronizer assembly -- CIL code was on for this -with this repair new upper plenum and fuel rail gaskets / new fuel injection o-rings where installed / also tried new throttle position sensor but coincidentally made vehicle run worse then used oem - chinese part.
So with hood popped open and manually giving engine some throttle by hand (for close observation) there is a DELAY at beginning of throttle acceleration accompanied with a wisp / hiss sound for a second. Anything in particular come to mind? Bad rubber throttle body gasket? Idles good for the most part but occasionally will go into a temporary rev up and down during first start up of the day-- in a mild way and then goes away -- and rare at this....which makes it a stumper. And with this situation occasionally will die if doing quick acceleration from stop.
'95 has old school OBD1 so don't have all the elaborate testing options.

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It sounds like maybe a vacuum leak. Extra air would make it hesitate and rough idle. The trick I use for finding a leak is to use starting fluid and spray around the plenum, air intake, EGR, etc. while the engine is running and listen for any change in idle speed.

I had done that already......thanks for input.

There's a screw on the throttle body, idle is supposed to be controlled by the computer. Back off the screw until idle is lowered but not further needs a fine adjustment just enough for the idle air control to take over sounds like runaway idle to me when the throttle body is letting In too much air.

Also are you running stock intake with complete tube on it?

TPS was my first thought. You put a new OEM in there though? No TPS codes?
