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Photoshop game!


Explorer Addict
August 10, 2006
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Limited
Well, since this sub-forum isn't that well known, I think it should get a little attention. My solution: The photoshop game.

The goal: Post up photoshops, and people will guess what has been changed in it. You can use any programs/methods you see fit to modify it. Even if you don't have photoshop, there are plenty of free programs you can play with. You can even use paint if you dare:p:. You want your photo to appear as real as possible, so people have to search hard to find what you changed. Photos can be of anything, just so long they follow forum rules.

1. All photos posted must be modified in some manner from their original state.
2. All photos must follow forum rules.

Here is an example:

Looking at that photo, you would guess "It has been lowered" and that would be correct. The eaisest way to tell, is by looking at the roof of the house, and how I did not patch it up good enough, so it is obvious that it was lowered.

Here was the original:

Have fun, let the game begin!

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Its been lowered and glistening babies have been stuffed inside the tires to make them look more 'plump' and 'juicy'. There might even be a slight chance that there are two babies rolling around in the catalytic converters.

im not that good at photoshop, should i post the original? im pretty sure there is a couple nobody will notice:p:

Original ;)


Kidding kidding.

Original ;)


Kidding kidding.

u had me going! at first i was like WTF how did he get the original pic?!? then i relized nope thats not it this one is green

two tone paint?

I like how you did the wheels mirrored, so they don't seem to be in the same position:thumbsup:

My guesses
Shading over wheels
Tint on front windows
Shaved handles

I like how you did the wheels mirrored, so they don't seem to be in the same position:thumbsup:

My guesses
Shading over wheels
Tint on front windows
Shaved handles

HAHA thats awesome! i didnt think anyone would notice that mirrored wheels! all those are right! there are still a few more things:thumbsup::thumbsup:

I have an inkling that the whole car was photo shopped in.

lol nope that was actually in my parkinglot, the others u might have to look at a stock xB to figure out! on the drivers side;)

lol nope that was actually in my parkinglot, the others u might have to look at a stock xB to figure out! on the drivers side;)

The reflection on the car doesn't look quite right, that's what threw me off.

Edit: how about the color of the trim and cowl, shaved gas door, and shaved marker lights?

The reflection on the car doesn't look quite right, that's what threw me off.

Edit: how about the color of the trim and cowl, shaved gas door, and shaved marker lights?

nice! the shaved gas door and marker lights are right!

there like 2 or 3 more things:D

here is the original see if u can spot the last couple now

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Did you take out the separator in the window for the back door?

yup actually took out the front one and the back one, and if u look thru the back window i took the one out on the passenger side as well
