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2020 Explorer


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Elite Explorer
February 25, 2011
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2020 Explorer ST
People have been questioning on when the next redesign was and even speculating about the 2017 being redesigned from the 2016 MY.

Just read a Ford document discussing Ford production on their vehicles over the next 7 years. As of this article, the next full redesign goes into production January 2019. The End of Life production for the current model is set for December 2018 (which would be the 2019MY).

It's facelift (like the 15/16MY changes) is scheduled for January 2022 with the next all new model scheduled for December 2025.

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2025 eh? I'll be looking forward to that if they haven't taken my license away by then.;)


Same here! :D

The Navigator concept was just shown at the New York Auto Show, although its a "concept" there will be some carry over to production.

I do know that the "next gen" Expedition is coming soon, originally I had heard 2018 MY but I don't know if that's accurate now.

Since a complete redesign was coming the Ford Police Advisory Board was pushing the Engineers to spend the money and offer a production, large SUV (Expedition) pursuit rated Interceptor.

I don't know if that got dropped or is still an option but the redesign retail Expedition is coming.

Currently the Tahoe/Suburban/Yukon models absolutely kill the Expedition/Navigator competition.

The Navigator concept was just shown at the New York Auto Show, although its a "concept" there will be some carry over to production.

I do know that the "next gen" Expedition is coming soon, originally I had heard 2018 MY but I don't know if that's accurate now.

Since a complete redesign was coming the Ford Police Advisory Board was pushing the Engineers to spend the money and offer a production, large SUV (Expedition) pursuit rated Interceptor.

I don't know if that got dropped or is still an option but the redesign retail Expedition is coming.

Currently the Tahoe/Suburban/Yukon models absolutely kill the Expedition/Navigator competition.

The next gen Expedition test mule was photograph and shown in Truck Trend mag this month.
It's going to use the same front clip as the new F-150.

2025 eh? I'll be looking forward to that if they haven't taken my license away by then.;)


As long as you can see (with our without prescription eyeglasses) and "somewhat" sane...the ON MTO won't be taking your license away :D

People have been questioning on when the next redesign was and even speculating about the 2017 being redesigned from the 2016 MY.

Just read a Ford document discussing Ford production on their vehicles over the next 7 years. As of this article, the next full redesign goes into production January 2019. The End of Life production for the current model is set for December 2018 (which would be the 2019MY).

It's facelift (like the 15/16MY changes) is scheduled for January 2022 with the next all new model scheduled for December 2025.
Would appreciate a link for the the Ford document discussing Ford production over the next 7 years.
Thank You

Just found out retooling begins March of 2019 and the plant will be shut down for 4-6 weeks.

I wonder if the Exorer will drop the Sport and follow the Edge with a ST version.

3... 2... 1.... Go

That doesn't seem to look dramatically different from the current model.

Peter, most times when they build prototypes which this would be at this moment, they use previous shells. So if this is a new platform, they would throw a 5th gen body on it. Testing powertrain and cooling, underbody, and electronics does not require the new body.

They will mask and hide it for quite a while.

And I'll add this looks very similar to the Lincoln Aviator that has been out testing. Who knows which one that is at this poin t.

Do we know any of the rumored changes especially related to the powertrain?

This is a guess only but I bet we see the 2.7L EcoBoost that's in the F150 now, as well we see the 3.3L EcoBoost.

Just a guess based on their success in other models.

This is a guess only but I bet we see the 2.7L EcoBoost that's in the F150 now, as well we see the 3.3L EcoBoost.

Just a guess based on their success in other models.
There is no 3.3.. Only a 3.0 in the Lincolns

I heard that the 2020 will look very much like the HSE RANGE ROVER....

There is no 3.3.. Only a 3.0 in the Lincolns

I have a surprise for you!


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Did they fix the water pump issue in the 3.3L?

I'd love to see:

3.3L NA replace the 3.5L NA
2.7L EB replace EcoBoost 2.3L
3.5L EB replaced with HO version.
