2020 ST Pricing (MSRP / INVOICE) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2020 ST Pricing (MSRP / INVOICE)


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Elite Explorer
February 25, 2011
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2020 Explorer ST
Was able to get MSRP and invoice pricing on the ST.


BASE ST $54,740 _______ $52,550
Moonroof $1,695 _______ $1,593
Splash Guards $205 _________$193
Crossbars $325 _________$306
Wheel Lock $75 __________$70
Tech Package $995 _________$935
ST Street Pack $995 __________$935
Track Pack $1,595 _________$1,495
Cargo Mat $100__________$94
Delivery $1,095 _________$1,095

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Was able to get MSRP and invoice pricing on the ST.


BASE ST $54,740 _______ $52,550
Moonroof $1,695 _______ $1,593
Splash Guards $205 _________$193
Crossbars $325 _________$306
Wheel Lock $75 __________$70
Tech Package $995 _________$935
ST Street Pack $995 __________$935
Track Pack $1,595 _________$1,495
Cargo Mat $100__________$94
Delivery $1,095 _________$1,095

Is that in US Dollars or Canadian?

That's disappointing the base MSRP on my 2018 sport was 45,950, I was hoping that it would be not that much of a jump in price
My 2017 Platinum Sticker MRSP was $62,039 so I'm afraid to see what the 2020 will be.


Starting prices courtesy of a member on a different Ford forum:

2019MY Explorer Base 4WD $34,515
2020MY Explorer Base 4WD $34,765 +$250

2019MY Explorer XLT 4WD $36,550
2020MY Explorer XLT 4WD $38,675 +$2,125

2019MY Explorer Limited 4WD $44,915
2020MY Explorer Limited 4WD $50,130 +$5,215

2020MY Explorer Limited HEV 4WD $54,475

2019MY Explorer Sport 4WD $46,625
2020MY Explorer Sport/ST 4WD $54,740 +$8,115

2019MY Explorer Platinum 4WD $54,165
2020MY Explorer Platinum 4WD $58,250 +$4,085

I can confirm MSRP for the 2020 Platinum is $58,250. Then add $1,095 for Destination and Delivery and the bottom-line MSRP for a Platinum (without options) is $59,945. Imagine that … almost "sixty large" for a Ford Explorer!

BTW, does anyone know if X-Plan pricing is available for the 2020 Explorer? So far, it seems to be only 2018 and 2019 models that qualify for X-Plan.

So when are all of the many 2020 ST ordering/price threads going to be combined? ;)

I can confirm MSRP for the 2020 Platinum is $58,250. Then add $1,095 for Destination and Delivery and the bottom-line MSRP for a Platinum (without options) is $59,945. Imagine that … almost "sixty large" for a Ford Explorer!

BTW, does anyone know if X-Plan pricing is available for the 2020 Explorer? So far, it seems to be only 2018 and 2019 models that qualify for X-Plan.

My order sheet shows them. Fords system shows them, just not on the partner site. Only the dealer can tell you right now.

There is about $2k between invoice and msrp.. and xplan is about $50 over invoice before the $100 doc and $275 admin fee.

Starting prices courtesy of a member on a different Ford forum:

2019MY Explorer Base 4WD $34,515
2020MY Explorer Base 4WD $34,765 +$250

2019MY Explorer XLT 4WD $36,550
2020MY Explorer XLT 4WD $38,675 +$2,125

2019MY Explorer Limited 4WD $44,915
2020MY Explorer Limited 4WD $50,130 +$5,215

2020MY Explorer Limited HEV 4WD $54,475

2019MY Explorer Sport 4WD $46,625
2020MY Explorer Sport/ST 4WD $54,740 +$8,115

2019MY Explorer Platinum 4WD $54,165
2020MY Explorer Platinum 4WD $58,250 +$4,085

So $58,250 for a Platinum Explorer or $74,920 for a Aviator Reserve II w/ Dynamic Handling and Convenience Package. Grand Touring II checks in at $83,670.

So $58,250 for a Platinum Explorer or $74,920 for a Aviator Reserve II w/ Dynamic Handling and Convenience Package. Grand Touring II checks in at $83,670.

$7,500 fed rebate on Aviator hybrid

$7,500 fed rebate on Aviator hybrid
I hope, just as long as that battery is 15kWh. These prices make me think about how my 2012 Limited stickered for just over $50k, but I paid Right around $46k with X-plan and rebates. My Lincoln dealer is reluctant to do X-plan (he doesn't do it on Navigator's) but seems willing to give an exception to me. We looked at one of his dealer builds and it didn't have any plan pricing, or even invoice pricing listed. I won't be getting one of the 1st ones anyway, need to wait to see about the Lincoln play system, hopefully will be available when the GT's start shipping. Supposedly they are going back to the ones with a DVD player built in do to complaints about functionality of the streaming only system.

It will be, it has to do a minimum of 30 miles and will take at least that size battery to get it 30+ miles on pur electric. China has some requirements for electric vehicles for minimum standards.. so it should be the max credit.

I'd be hesitant to put in an ST order until it is actually out. The Edge ST has proved to be less than impressive.

I'd be hesitant to put in an ST order until it is actually out. The Edge ST has proved to be less than impressive.

Fwd bias.. big difference. .

That increase of $8,115 from a 2019 Sport to a 2020 ST is a bit excessive. I get there is going to be a higher MSRP but $8,115?

It makes you look at other brands instead of staying domestic.

Hope they can mitigate that with some incentives or programs.

I'm told by my contacts your paying the $8,115 to cover the new standard features that were optional in 2019 and the new 3.0L EcoBoost Twin Turbo.......now I have to figure out what's now standard that was optional in 2019.

I'm told by my contacts your paying the $8,115 to cover the new standard features that were optional in 2019 and the new 3.0L EcoBoost Twin Turbo.......now I have to figure out what's now standard that was optional in 2019.

So a 3.5 ecoboost costs $4,500, the 3.0 ecoboost costs $4,900.. sooooo..... that is $400 of the $8,115.

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So a 3.5 ecoboost costs $4,500, the 3.0 ecoboost costs $4,900.. sooooo..... that is $400 of the $8,115.

Very good point, and when you go build an F150 and choose the 3.5L EcoBoost Turbo its only a $600 upcharge from the 5.0L V8,............ so for argument's sake we have to find around $7000 worth of new standard features.
