Trunk door ajar bypass | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Trunk door ajar bypass


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June 20, 2022
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parma ohio
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 Ford Explorer Sport
So my door ajar light is always on I replaced the front driver and passenger one so I believe it’s the lift gate I replaced the glass one but my trunk is rotted out nor can I find ware the sensor would be dose anyone know ware it would be for a 2003 Ford Explorer sport xlt it’s a Canadian import if that helps I also want to know since my trunk is basically gone that I can cut the connector and splice the two wires together to show a “closed circuit” would that help ? If so then all I need to know is ware the location is

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perhaps this may help! :) not sure physically where its located however


  • door-locks-1-of-1.pdf
    48.2 KB · Views: 38

I don’t see ware the door ajar switches are on that wiering diagram
shoot my bad let me find the right one, will edit once i find it, know its round here soemwhere.

edit: think it might be here, but this may not be 100% what ya lookin for


  • interior-lights-courtesy-lamps-circuit-1-of-1.pdf
    51.1 KB · Views: 30

Take the skin off the liftgate then you should see it. I'd imagine it's built onto the latch, same as it is on the doors.

What do you mean, "trunk is basically gone"? If you mean rust rotted out, there's probably somebody that sells floor pans you can (or pay someone to) weld in, if not just use plain ole sheetmetal and a structural brace to make up for no bends to reinforce it. I am not understanding though, I mean the liftgate has to stay latched while driving and if the switch is on the latch, just replace it... though I looked on Rock Auto and couldn't find a replacement part for that.

Anyway, that switch grounds either open or closed, so if unplugging the wire from it doesn't solve this ( think solve means replace the latch/switch but if all you want is the door ajar warning fixed...), then you'd connect the wire to any chassis ground.

Edit: I found this for my '98, but I didn't see it listed for your '03 Sport so I don't know if that's a listing omission for your model year or it won't work for an '03.. I leave it up to you to use that info however you want:


First you should discover if the issue is with a latch, a striker bushing, or the adjustment of a door or hatch.

All of the latches can be tripped manually closed, just open a door and use a screw driver to push the latch jaws inward all the way. The rear hatch latches work the same way, but it's much harder to open those latches when the hatch is open. You have to lift the outside handle to open each latch assembly, and the locks have to be unlocked.

So first inspect all of the striker bushings, those are the most common problem source. Those all have to be good before worrying about the latches. Then work on the latches slowly, carefully, with the doors unlocked. Spray them liberally with a good penetrant, and White Lithium grease, they need that more than anything else.

I'd start with the four doors, open them and manually lock the latches. Turn the ignition key to ON(I don't think it works in aux too). Watch the dash, if the door ajar light stays on, then it's not in the door latches. With the hatch closed normally, you may be able to figure out which latch on the hatch is faulting. Just push the hatch in by hand and watch the dash light, that extra force will engage the latch there more.

Narrow down the problems, and you can fix it.
