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'02 3rd Row Seats


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March 15, 2011
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'02 XLT
Does anyone know if they made a 60/40 3rd row seat for the Explorer?

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Does anyone know if they made a 60/40 3rd row seat for the Explorer?

Nope, not that i know of. 3rd Gens only a full 3rd row, 4th Gen's had 50/50 split in back.

there's only room for 2 people (or kids) in the 3rd row, not sure about the 60/40. 50/50 is possible if you cut the bench seats in half (it's in 1 piece)

there's only room for 2 people (or kids) in the 3rd row, not sure about the 60/40. 50/50 is possible if you cut the bench seats in half (it's in 1 piece)

Agreed its tight for 2 people, you'd never fit 3

In my Expedition, the 3rd row is 60/40, it has 3 seatbelts too, but its really only for kids.

3 of my friends fit in the third row ( not comfortably) but they fit
