help! need job in san diego area | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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help! need job in san diego area


Elite Explorer
August 20, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Yuma, AZ
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 xlt, 93 SAS xlt
I have been looking for a job in the san diego area for some time now and was just wondering if anyof you guys new of any places hireing. either auto or construction. thanks, mike

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Why, are you moving out here?

What type of construction?

well my last day in the marines was last friday, and my best friend lives on friars road and im staying with him and his wife till i can get a job and my own place. i built houses before i came into the corps, i also had over 3000 hrs logged in on a case 580c extendahoe , but basically i ran the dozer and backhoe for doing the foundations and worked the concrete/rebar, and then did all the finish carpentry. but i can roof and build pretty much anything and run equipment also. :D and i just wanted to give socal a see as to what its like. fun so far .

Do you have transportation? How bout tools? We build ultra-custom homes in Rancho Santa Fe, and we need carpenters.

ya i have my red truck now, im trying to sell my blue one and i have already sold my jeep, but when i get enough money im getting a car, cheaper on gas, but ya i have all my tools belt ect. if im looking at the maps right its only about a 30 min drive for me right.
