Drivetrain Gods???? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Drivetrain Gods????

Derrick C.

Moderator Drinkin Corona
Moderator Emeritus
September 11, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Twin Falls, Idaho---------B.F.E.
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 XLT, 92 XL
Some of you know that I did buy NOTAJPs old solid axle swapped Exploder awihle back. Well we'll fast forward to the first time I got it into the dirt. Took her out just to see how she handled in the dirt and I managed to nail a rock with the front diff and just kinda rolled over it unti it hit the rear end. I nailed it right on the flange back there and ever since I had this sqeek. I put in a new flange and put thr driveline back in and noticed something. With the tires blocked and the tranny in neutral I can turn the driveline damn near a half of a turn before it locks up. What does this mean??? Did I screw anything else up or am I looking into it too much??? Oh and it has 4.56 gears with a Detroit locker in the rear if it helps any.

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so the drivesahft runs about half a turn when you are in N and under the truck with your hands?
Sounds normal to me.

Seriously??? My 92 isn't that bad. Its got maybe not even a 1/4 of a turn on that one. I'll take your word for it guy. :thumbsup: :)

would the gear ratio have something to do with it turning more?

if you have a locker in the rear it will cause more play as well. When I had a lockright there was a ton of play in the driveshaft.

RockRanger said:
if you have a locker in the rear it will cause more play as well. When I had a lockright there was a ton of play in the driveshaft.

See I was thinkin that but my 92 has a ARB in the rear but not as much play. Maybe its a Detroit thing. :)

If it goes a full turn then I would worry. :eek:

All my limited slip 8.8's have gone about a 1/3 turn

Yep, it's a Detroit thing.

Full detroits have more slop than any of them. Nothing to worry about. :)

Nice of you guys to chime in..........a week later!!!!! :D
