Dual Pattern Off-Road Light - R They Good or Bad ? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Dual Pattern Off-Road Light - R They Good or Bad ?

Just wanted to hear from some of you about Dual Pattern Lights.

Some have Pencil and Driving Lights sort of High and Low Beams.

Are there other patterns available ?

Is anyone using them, what brand, how are they working out ?

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i had piaa xt 90 pro's and they were amazing. wish i never sold them:( but they were fog/driving lights, still i used them for everything. Best lights i ever had

PIAA 90 and large round lamps & Catz large round lamps are very good. The smaller lamps are marginal at best. Too small to be good at either.

What about the Warn dual Pattern Lights ?

they look good to me. I think they are generally a hi/low beam light though. if you want somethingthat's a true dual pattern check out the different ones that piaa has. The prices are very comparable to the higher end piaa's like the90's, and you could save a couple bucks by getting the lower end ones which are still great lights. I would check ebay. You can get some great deals on the piaa's.

Just so there is no confusion . I ment that I was too lazy to look for the Warn Lights link myself.
Thanks for the link.

Not sure, as I have not tried the Warn but I think that you would have to aim the driving beam so low as to keep from being flashed, that the high beam wouldnt be high enough.
IMO you would want a fog/driving beam instead of a driving hi/low beam in order to get a lot of use out of the lights. 90% of your driving is usually done with low beams & fogs.

Bill Kemp,

Didn't take it any-way, just too lazy myself or actually forgetful is more like it.


Thanks for the link.

800 ft is a lot and I do not plan on using them for on-road use anyway; something about Warn that made me want to use them besides the price being high.

Thanks for the input.

good quality fog lights can be used a lot more often then driving lights.

the driving lights can only be used when no one else is coming or off-road ONLY.
