Has anyone heard of CGS Motor Sports for Aftermarket Air Intake & Cat Back Systems? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Has anyone heard of CGS Motor Sports for Aftermarket Air Intake & Cat Back Systems?


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May 16, 2011
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2011 Limited
I just received my 2011 Limited Explorer only a a couple of weeks ago. As much as I love the unit, I have a desire to modify all vehicles that I own. I have been looking around the net and the only place I have seen that has aftermarket products for '11 X is CGS Motor Sports. Has anyone ever heard of them or possibly used there products in the past? Based on their HP prediction , by adding both their Air intake & Cat Back system I should net ~ 48HP. Any thoughts?


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I would imagine that magnaflow will have a catback system for the X soon if they dont already.

They have been around for a while and have done several SEMA Ford vehicles. I called them and they seem to have great customer service even though I was just asking specs on the 2011 Explorer they had at SEMA.

They have been around for a while and have done several SEMA Ford vehicles. I called them and they seem to have great customer service even though I was just asking specs on the 2011 Explorer they had at SEMA.

Do you recall the specs?

maybe 4.8HP but definately not 48HP. An intake will not yield you much HP if you don'y have the A/F mixture reprogrammed and the exhaust. I don't care what anyone says, there is no way you are gaining over 15% HP with just an intake and catback exhaust.

Prepare for a transmission swap also. The 6F is rated to 300HP, we start at 290. Not that bumping a little will make yours crumble...but it's best to be prepared.

There is a new version for eco boost vehicles, the 6F-55. I doubt they put that in our explorers, but maybe...

CGS makes high quality stuff, I've used them before. Not sure where you got 48hp from though, I don't see numbers anywhere. But intake/exhaust is not getting you that. The biggest thing that will help is an SCT tune, these engines respond great to a good SCT tune and better trans shifting. That with the intake/exhaust will make a big difference compared to stock driveability.

I think Ford shot themselves in the foot for not offering the Eco-Boost 6. The Flex with it get's real life mileage that's pretty much the same, actually a little better as it has effortless torque and doesn't work as hard. I would totally buy a new X if they had offered the Eco-Boost 6, they could have smashed the other cross overs in performance.

Oh yeh the Flex with an SCT tune f'n hauls balls :D

Prepare for a transmission swap also. The 6F is rated to 300HP, we start at 290. Not that bumping a little will make yours crumble...but it's best to be prepared.

There is a new version for eco boost vehicles, the 6F-55. I doubt they put that in our explorers, but maybe...

Isn't the same trans that is in the explorer in the edge? The 3.7 engine has 300HP and if it's the same trans, it definately can handle more power. There is no way Ford would match an engine to a tranny that is using up 98% of the power the tranny can handle.

CGS makes high quality stuff, I've used them before. Not sure where you got 48hp from though, I don't see numbers anywhere. But intake/exhaust is not getting you that. The biggest thing that will help is an SCT tune, these engines respond great to a good SCT tune and better trans shifting. That with the intake/exhaust will make a big difference compared to stock driveability.

I think Ford shot themselves in the foot for not offering the Eco-Boost 6. The Flex with it get's real life mileage that's pretty much the same, actually a little better as it has effortless torque and doesn't work as hard. I would totally buy a new X if they had offered the Eco-Boost 6, they could have smashed the other cross overs in performance.

Oh yeh the Flex with an SCT tune f'n hauls balls :D

Is an SCT tune just an aftermarket programming module? I have looked around and havn't seen such a device for the '11 X as of yet...

Is an SCT tune just an aftermarket programming module? I have looked around and havn't seen such a device for the '11 X as of yet...
I'm sure someone can easily tune it on an SCT XCAL programmer. Plenty of shops have done of the V6 in the 11' Stangs, and versions in the Taurus, Edge etc. They show pretty nice gains for just a n/a V6. Intake/Exhaust/SCT on an 11' Explorer would make a nice difference in performance.

I would wait for magnaflow they are well known and have a lifetime warranty. The part number is #15467 and says coming soon. I have a magnaflow cat-back system on my 08 explorer v6.

on 2011 mustang v6 3.7L with SCT Tune only are only showing 11hp increase and 15lb tq increase but you should net a bit more with exhaust and intake.

maybe 4.8HP but definately not 48HP. An intake will not yield you much HP if you don'y have the A/F mixture reprogrammed and the exhaust. I don't care what anyone says, there is no way you are gaining over 15% HP with just an intake and catback exhaust.

I am somewhat skeptical of CGS claims of their HP as well. Howver they state on their site 30HP for the Catback and 18HP for the Intake system.

Looking at their site further, I like the looks of the system from rear.
too bad they didnt have any videos... i'd like to hear how it sounds.
really did like the way it sounds on the flex vids... rather have a deeper sound like the v8 truck vids.
dyno runs would be interesting too.

on 2011 mustang v6 3.7L with SCT Tune only are only showing 11hp increase and 15lb tq increase but you should net a bit more with exhaust and intake.
Not even close, plenty of shops have been getting 20+ rwhp and tq with just a custom tune (not junk canned tunes), Lethal got around 30rwtq.

Not even close, plenty of shops have been getting 20+ rwhp and tq with just a custom tune (not junk canned tunes), Lethal got around 30rwtq.

Yes with custom tune I was talking about the stock tunes from SCT, I should have clarified.

A question: does the additional power from a "tune" result in decreased fuel efficiency? I'm thinking there could be more power from greater efficiency or more power from greater fuel flow.


I didnt see where on their site of their hp claims for the catback. But after doing my first oil change this morning and taking a look underneath first time, i can believe that an aftermarket catback will make more power...


Look at the fricken crimp they did to that exhaust tube to get clearance!

I wouldnt be surprised 20hp is possible. the 30 claim rwhp? they could be talking from the crank.

It's a weird exhaust system... 3into2into1 all the way back out to one muffler and out to two. They could have only done one exhaust tip but I like they did the out to two with nice dual exhaust tips for visual.

This vehicle is low though... If an aftermarket creates a cat back without the crimp on the tube, it's gonna scrape or get really close to scraping at bumps.

Anyone else... one tiny cat before the muffler right? If so, what the heck are those two tanks the headers go out to where the o2 sensors connect? Wonder if aftermarket companies can get rid of those.

Made me think though... without those tanks at the headers... there would be plenty of clearance then for turbos ;)

I am somewhat skeptical of CGS claims of their HP as well. Howver they state on their site 30HP for the Catback and 18HP for the Intake system.

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It probably has dual cats...most things do nowadays
