Poor fuel mileage, exhaust stinks, my converter(s) are probably toast, right? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Poor fuel mileage, exhaust stinks, my converter(s) are probably toast, right?


New Member
April 22, 2014
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City, State
Bel Air, MD
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 Explorer XLT
The last week or so, my 2003 Explorer has been getting extremely poor fuel mileage. The last time I filled up, I reset the trip odometer and have only gone 125 miles and burned 1/2 the tank already. Also, the exhaust smells like rotten eggs. This would lead me to believe that 1 or all of the catalytic converters are bad. Before I drop a few hundred dollars on 3 new cats, is there anything else that could be causing this? Also, there's a lot of options on RockAuto for replacement y-pipes with converters already welded in. Does anyone have any experience with any of these? I'm looking for something that will fit right the first time with limited headache. Any help here is appreciated!

BOSAL Part # 0794165 - $371.79

DAVICO MANUFACTURING Part # 19088 - $385.79

WALKER Part # 50545 - $400.79

EASTERN CATALYTIC Part # 30447 - $383.79

EASTERN CATALYTIC Part # 830754 - $480.79

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Before you dump a bunch of money on new converters I would check the simple stuff first.

Tune up, Air Filter, Computer codes, manifold vacuum OK etc.

Clogged converters will be "Cherry Red" after driving for a few minutes and the engine will have a serious lack of power.

Remember the "KISS Principle" (Keep It Simple Sir).

Remember the "KISS Principle" (Keep It Simple Sir).

That's not exactly how I was taught the "KISS" principle. You know, the "Sir" part. ;)

Trying to be politically correct. Like I said "Trying".


If you have a leaky injector, it would dump fuel down the exhaust right into the cat. Maybe that would cause your smell and bad mileage?

You can attempt a cleaning out your combustion chambers and exhaust system by sucking in water through your intake vacuum line (booster line). I know people use seafoam, but a lot of smoke does not mean you are cleaning anything.

I have used the water method on a second had crv I bought with 133k on it. I did a very extended clean, about 45 minutes in total and about a gallon of almost boiling water.

There was a significant improvement on the engine sound and how smooth it ran.

Water cleaning is a safe method. The more water you use, the better the cleaning job. As for hydro locking, it takes a lot of water to create a hydro lock situation. Turbo cars use water injection systems to cool the intake air, and they don't hydrolock, just don't put a garden hose to the vacuum line.

I have also done the cleaning to my explorer and I feel it has made a difference. After about 45 minutes, no more carbon was being shot out of the tailpipe, just big puffy steam clouds :)

I say give it a shot, nothing to loose, but some water and time.

Some vids on it


trucku, I gave your method a shot and the truck seems to be running much better. It idles smoother and it seems to have regained some power. Also, I don't seem to be burning as much fuel as before and the exhaust no longer stinks. I'm going to replace the fuel filter this weekend and run some fuel system cleaner through it. I know I haven't done that for a number of years, mostly because I hate changing that filter.

Just out of curiosity, what's the typical life expectancy of the factory fuel injectors? My truck has 99xxx on it.
