My X Got to go 4x4ing...without ME! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My X Got to go 4x4ing...without ME!


Elite Explorer Babe
June 21, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Bellingham, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 XLT
Well, today I lent my X to a buddy for a little offroad trip up by Mt. Baker. I couldn't go because I had a riding lesson! :mad: I hope they survived out there in my stocker! I really need to get out and go wheelin!!!

Since my X was gone, I spent some quality time in the sun with LT and took some pictures of course! :D

At Boardwalk Park:

I spy an Explorer!!!

LT in stealth mode down on a dock

Some dude came up to me at a park and said he was a photographer and would take my picture. The lighting was all crappy, so he tried to get a clearer shot by having me look off into the distance. LoL What a weirdo (& a weird picture!)

Anyways, that was my day. I love when it doesn't rain :rolleyes: This post really has no purpose...I'm just trying to procrastinate from studying...again.

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Gotta love Explorer hotties :D

Too bad you also drive a pony-car wanna-be :(


I think ya look hot in that pic :p :D

hahaha owned!

Just asking, whatcha run 1/4?

And yes, I'm a flirt. But my g/f doesn't mind as long as it doesn't get physical :D

EDIT: But you can tap my @ss anytime ;)

Originally posted by Alec
EDIT: But you can tap my @ss anytime ;)

Whoa! No dates first or anything?! :D

Originally posted by Alec
Just asking, whatcha run 1/4?

Back to the tech side of things... :D
The last time I had him to a track was when he was stock! 1/4 mile was a sad 14 or 15...I don't remember. I had like a 1.2 reaction time because I was a newbie w/ bald, no traction tires. :mad:

Now he's got a lot more goodies :D :D
I was drivin around 3 chicks last weekend for my horse show and they were all amazed at my lil baby. One girl was like "OMG I felt the front end lift off the ground!" I had to clean the passenger seat after that one :eek:

Why does that picture Hokie posted keep showing up?!?
Oh, and mug/sig updated a lil LoL I've been picture happy lately. Hopefully I'll get some this weekend at my horse show! Lynden Fairgounds, come watch!!!! :D

Originally posted by GinaGem
pony-car wannabe pfft

Alec, you know I'd womp your lil 2.8L front wheel drive azz :D


Very nice pics!! Gina, you definitely look very cute!

Alec, I'm sure my dad's Honda Accord can beat your little GTI... :p

Well screw all y'all :shoot:



Too bad gina dosen't have her Ex all lifted and big ass 35 on it. Then I would pay to see her take your *****!:D

She'll still get farther down the trail then any of us with her 1HP 4x4;)

Oh, I would go there too!

Hey Alec, my buddy had a GTI and it was pretty fast... We both know that you would stomp theese clowns ;)

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Hey now Premier, who ya backin?? Cmon, my baby's engine is over twice the size of that GTI (I don't care if it also weighs twice as much ;) ) and would kick some VW butt.
