Front hitch mount | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Front hitch mount

scratched 95

Active Member
August 23, 2000
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City, State
Millersburg, Or
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 XLT
Does anyone have any drawings or plans for a good front hitch mount for a 95? Planning on a portable winch soon, don't want to reinvent the wheel if someone has already done the engineering work.

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i think hidden hitch makes one. try their website or jcwhitney

I've got a Reese front receiver on my '91. I wouldn't bet on that version fitting your '95 but you might check and see if they made one for later models too

Originally posted by MattHarrell
I've got a Reese front receiver on my '91. I wouldn't bet on that version fitting your '95 but you might check and see if they made one for later models too

they make one for 1st gens...i have been looking all over for a while now!

I only got mine last year. I just dug around online until I found a dealer that had one. I think I finally used these guys. Note that those aren't the guys who produce the hitches. They had a pretty good price at the time and they still have them listed for both first and second gens on the site.

haha! i live about 20 min from Reese HQ.....thanx guy, i have been searching and searching and couldnt find one! now i can add a winch!. where and how does that mount to the frame? ( i ask because i have a body lift).

Sorry - I had a few things to do.

Mine mounts with six bolts to the frame rails. I have a small (1.5 - 2") suspension lift but I'm not sure what changes a body lift does. I would think it would work fine. Specifically you get replacement bolts for the four holes holding the sway bar to the frame rail (the hitch mounts directly over that) and then it bolts using two of the holes on the side of the rail.

I've got pictures here if you're interested. Bear in mind these are horrible pictures and I've since gone through and cleaned up all the rust.

Hitch from the back. The hitch front is over to the right and you can see the bolts going to the inside of the frame rail.

Hitch from the side. Here the hitch front is over to the right and you can see how it fits around the frame rail.

wow, that woudl work perfect for me! i see you had to cut a hole in the give you an idea, my valance just covers the fron of teh frame (because the body sits 3" higher but the frame sits stock) thus, it would just hang beneath my effect, it would take care of my worry about rear-ending someone (because my bumper is held on by cmall brackets that couldnt withstand much)....this way they wouold hit the hitch, which is much more have no idea how happy you have made me bacsue i was having a heck of a time trying to find a frame-mopunted grill guard that would work...noe i can get the hitch, have a wiunch, have a numper, and get my bikllet grill wit hlights built-in! you are awesome dude, just one more questio....any drillng req'd?
