Fuel Filter for 02 Explorer XLT | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Fuel Filter for 02 Explorer XLT


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September 26, 2005
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2002 Ford Explorer XLT
Does anyone know where the fuel filter is located? My truck will not turnover unless i keep my foot on the accelerator, and i believe it is the filter, but i'm having trouble finding it.

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I've quoted MIKEPHOTOS here but haven't actually tried this myself, sounds right though:

It's located under the front passenger side, behind 2 shields, a metal (alum) one and then a black plastic piece. You will need a special tool to remove one of the fuel lines (the single side one). I first tried to remove that line with the little plastic tools they sell but I had a tough time with them and broke 'em. I then purchased the metal tool and it was a snap. No tools need for the 2 line side of the filter, just unclip the red fasteners, lift them up and then push on the clip. It will not come out completely but push enough so they are as far as they'll go. Do same for both and the lines will pull off the filter. Do reverse for installation.

Ah, forgot to add don't forget eye protection and do this after the engine cools (you'll be working near exhaust parts which get very hot. Also, be sure to release fuel pressure. I did so by removing the fuel pump fuse under the hood and starting/running the engine until it dies. I also removed the fuel cap and left it off but not sure if that does anything to reduce pressure.

I replaced my filter at 55,000.


The owners manual says 30K. I always thought that was early

huggi007 said:
Does anyone know where the fuel filter is located? My truck will not turnover unless i keep my foot on the accelerator, and i believe it is the filter, but i'm having trouble finding it.

Have you checked the fuel pressure?

Same Problem

I am also having the same problem. I cannot get my explorer to idle unless my foot is on the gas.. is there anything thing else i can try. someone said something about a "idle sensor"???

Possible Fix

Our 02 xlt had the same exact problem. I think the key to determine whether or not this is a fuel problem is if it does this all the time. On ours, it would only occur at start up or on idle. When traveling down the road it would be fine and not "cut out" at all. This led me to believe it was a vacum issue. After doing a little research on my own I found that the "Air by-pass Valve" should be replaced any where between 50k and 80k. Some may not need to be replaced, but just cleaned out. Ours simply needed cleaned and has been starting and running quite well since!! In regards to the fuel filter, it is definately located with the fuel tank. Hope this helps.

If the vehicle drives normally on the road and only dies at idle, there's a good chance it's the Idle Air Control Valve. Ford is notorious for making crappy ones. I had the one on my '01 Explorer replaced under warranty because of idling issues.

Where is the IAC valve on a 2002 ford explorer
