New Member with questions | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New Member with questions


June 28, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Elwood, Indiana
Year, Model & Trim Level
01 Sport Trac 4x4
I am a new owner of a 2001 ST (2nd build) that I got last week. I was a proud owner of a Ford Fusion SEL until it was totaled out due to flood waters. My 01 ST has just a couple issues.

1. The keyless pad on the door does not light up nor work I believe. I retrieved the factory code from behind the passenger air bag unit, but even using that code nothing happens. Any thoughts?

2. The rear window gets stuck going up usually when its hotter out. It goes down fine and goes partially up fine so I think the motor is good.

3. The factory CD and Radio sound terrible. Going from the Fusion with the 6 disc MP3 Audiophile system to this bare bone system is a big step back. Is there a factory head unit that compares to the Audiophile from the fusion that will fit this ST.

Thanks for any and all help


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How deep was the water? My trac has a little lift and some bigger tires and I can cruise through 3' of water or mud. So you maybe better off with the trac then a car in case you live in an area that gets flooded.

Can't help you with the keyless pad as my ST doesnt have such luxuries.

When the window rolls up and gets stuck does it roll back down again by itself?

I just installed a standard size aftermarket reciever in my tuck that has a USB port so I can throw all my tunes on a flash drive and play off of that.

Congrats on the new truck and welcome to the forum.

congrats on the ST, i just got my first ST last march and since then have been a regular troller on this forum. great info on this site, believe me.

as for the keyless entry, does it light up at all when you press on the keys? if so, it might still work and it may be that the previous owner may have changed the default code. if you have the owner's manual, look trhough the whole thing or in the notes section to see if any codes were written in by the previous owner. if you still dont find anything, go to the dealership and just demand that they reset it for you. when i got my ST, the owner changed the code, and so the keyless entry was useless. they told me that they would have to charge me 120 bucks for them to reset it. HELL NO! i just demanded that if i bought this truck that they NEED to get me that code. i told them it would be like them selling me a truck with no keys. if you complain hard enough (in a civil and kind way) they will just do it to get you out of their hair. it worked for me.
if you bought it privately, just call the previous owner up to get the code.

if it turns out that the keypad is broken, you can probably find a replacement on ebay for a relatively cheap price. for a guy like me who goes outdoors a lot, snowboards, hikes, fishes, mountain bikes and skateboards, the keyless entry feature is the S. i never have to worry about bringing my keys with me when i do recreational activities. its worth getting it working, especially if youre a busy body like me with a propensity to lose keys. good luck!

You can't change the factory code. You can only add/delete user codes. Does it lock if you press the right two buttons together?

Is your window stuck open? Silicone spray the tracks and see if it helps. If it goes up, stops and goes down by itself you'll need to do the initialization process. That process and the complete window diagnosis/diagrams are in the FAQ section at the top of the forum.

Current factory audio systems are awesome. That generally wasn't the case in '01. Tracs had the Pioneer system, Mustangs had the Mach 460 back then but it's not worth the trouble to swap that stuff in, IMO. You'll have to go aftermarket to get the good tunes.

Keyless entry pad

The pad does not light up nor does it light when you press the keys. It will not lock when pressing the two keys together. I had the door panel off last night and looked over the wiring to check for breaks or corroded spots, but the wiring looks good. I bicycle a little and would love to not have my keys in my pocket or hanging from the bike.

I found the pioneer 6 disc in dash head unit at a local junk yard for $40.00 with a a 30 day warranty. I figured I would try it out for 29 days and if anything is wrong or sounds like crap I could return it.

The rear window does automatically roll back down when it stops on the way up. Well sometimes it does. I noticed that early in the morning it works great up and down but the rest of the day its impossible to get to close. Also it seems that it goes really slow going up too.

sounds like the key pad is broken, but before you get a new one, you should make sure youve checked out any related fuses. also, if you have a multimeter, you can test to see if you have a bad wire way better than you can by looking at it. just make sure you check all the little things before you go get a new keypad. and yes, you should get it done, i mountain bike, and it is so great not having keys jungling around.

i havent had to take apart my rear window yet (knock on wood), but i have had to repair my fair share of power windows, and it sounds like yours just need to be put back on track, if that makes sense. meaning you may not need to buy anything new to get it to work properly. good luck

It could be a broken wire in the drivers door. I had one break and had to fix it. Take the interior door panel off and using a flashlight look around near the locking mechanism for any broken wires. When I bought my '05 the auto locks feature was turned off and the keypad was dead. I discovered the autolocks had been tuned off due to the malfunction being caused by the 1 broken wire. Took me maybe 15 minutes to fix.

As for the audio system, good luck. Your only real option for a true upgrade will be to go aftermarket. Adding the audiofile system I understand can be done but is a challenge!!
