ZEX dry kit on SOHC 4.0 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ZEX dry kit on SOHC 4.0

I just need to know if a ZEX dry kit will work on my 2001 Sport SOHC 4.0L. I know of people like Alec that have a ZEX dry kit on there OHV but i want to know if a Nitrous kit will work or not i really want ZEX though thanks guys.

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Right on Black Magic. Yeah i am hooked on ZEX for the way it works but truly on how it looks when finished. My friend has 65 pills on his 1999 Ford Contour SVT and man he mounted the box under his battery and hid the tank in the trunk and its totally hidden. I'm not really worried about hidding mine but ZEX sure makes it easy. He has his switch mounted in his center console so that makes everything out of sight ya know.

A few members have the ZEX kit on their SOHCs and they say it works well. The ZEX kit is technically a dry kit, but it ups the fuel output of the stock fuel system when in use. This is good because our intakes are meant to be dry, and thus you don't want to put gas through them.

A dry shot only injects the N2O. A wet shot injects both N2O and fuel. The ZEX system like I said before is the best of both worlds.

Also, let's say you insall this and then "Blow-up" your motor. Then you remove the kit and go into the dealer for warrenty repair. Is there a way for them to "know" you were using N2O?

Well there's almost no way a properly set up, small shot ZEX system will cause your motor to blow unless it was in very bad shape before the install.

If you removed every part of the ZEX kit, they might ask you what the hole in your intake tube is from, but couldn't confirm the installation of N2O unless they did a chemical analysis on various parts.

What are you considering "Small" 50, 75, or less/more?


Since there is no real kit for our truck. Should I get the Mustang kit or the v6 Probe kit?

theres a way around drilling a hole in your intake tube. i was watching one of those "car shows" on tnn this weekend, and they interviewed a guy from ZEX, and they make more of a "bolt on" kit, that they claim you can install in 2 hours. instead of drilling a hole in the intake tube, its kind of like a "cap" that fits over the end of your conical style air filter (kkm) with the nitrous line running to it. this is the first ive heard of anything like this, but it would be really cool if it turns out to not be a piece of crap.

A small shot is 55. I was using 70 with no problems at all. 75 is even fine on a motor in good condition.

You can buy my kit from me ;) If you're interested I could give you all the info via PM. Shoot me one if you're truly interested.

Sweet i'm glad it works on the SOHC oh and to help Black Magic along what kind of dry kit. Is there like a universal kit or would getting one for like a V6 mustang or probe work. Thanks guys and Alec for putting this into light for us poor SOHC.

ZEX only has a few different kits. One is specifically for the 5.0, and they have another that they use on almost everything. I forget the part number, but it's probably the one they recommend for the Probe.

Alec, you have OHV right, doesnt SOHC have high compression and thats why there isnt many SOHC superchargers. Will No2's saftey and performance be affected the same way a SC would be on the higher compression SOHC vs. OHV?

As long as fuel and timing are changed accordingly, nitrous is ok on high compression motors. The 10:1 compression of the SOHC 4.0 isn't too high, anyways.

so, which kit should i buy for a 92 sport?

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The one for the Probe.

EDIT: I believe.....
They changed all their model numbers so I'm not sure. Used to be that they basically only had 3 kits. Not sure now. I'd just call them, they have excellent customer service.

EDIT AGAIN: It's model 82011
