How to-make a coilpack bracket fit with Aftermarket intake and spacer- | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How to-make a coilpack bracket fit with Aftermarket intake and spacer-


DIY stunt double
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Elite Explorer
June 16, 2003
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OK-I know about 5 people are going to want this-but it still is important.If you install an intake spacer , or go to a higher level with your engine-you might have a use for this. I know it was one of the many issues I had-

In any event, this is the first time I ever made anything-so-it is getting written-

My coilpack bracket looked like the perfect spot to also attach my fuel pump regulator-So, when I initiall plumbed all the fuel lines this is where it went.
Now, since I have the intake spacer-I was using only the rear hole to attach the bracket-the bottom legs hung in open air. This allowed the bracket to "wobble" a bit. I'm sure it moved quite a ways when I would hit a bump. this always bugged me, but I never did anything about it.
Then one day I noticed a bent fan blade--and I realized the FPR is in a good spot-unless it isn't very secure. Also-I had very little room for all the fuel lines
Here is how to make it work-
Remove the coilpacks from the bracket-and remove bracket.

Now-bend the lower legs straight down.


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Now remove excess material This will make more room for fuel lines and fittings.
I used a cordless sawzall and metal blade-(until the batteries died)

You should now have a piece which looks like this, but the legs still don't reach.


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Now-you need some 1/8" or 3/16" steel. About 3 months ago, my Dad gave me all of his experience boxes-or junk rather. he said "I thought you wanted it"
as I sighed trying to figure out where on earth it was going-well, am I glad I took it-
amongst all the bracket and stuff was a strap with 2 holes already drilled.
I cut 2 pieces about 3" long off with a air powered wheel--


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Now this is tricky
Use an anvil-or something hard and flat-and pound the strap out as flat as it can be-if it isn't already-
Then, (my camera failed here sorry)
Put the hole end in a vise-with the hole 1/4" from the upper lip, now rotate the exposed tab 45 degrees right, then clamp hard. you should have a 2" piece sticking up to the right.
Beat that down with a hammer-making a n angled bend.
Now-do the same with the other piece-but angle it to the left for the bend-

Now you will have 2 pieces which will slide over the intake manifold studs and angle upwards toward the legs of the coilpack bracket-
After using some hammer influence, you should be able to clamp it all together like this. Use a level to get it well,-umm, level.Loosen the clamps a bit for adjustment as needed.


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Now-weld it up.
In my case this was the first time I actually saw what I was welding-
Right as I got the hang of it-I mean right at the point where I saw the wire tip going into the seam of the 2 pieces and fusing it all together-oh, it was beautiful-
I ripped off my helmet to look, and yep-I had done an excellent job of welding the clamp to the work---:D

I left it there and went about welding, or, globbing it together. I cut it off after I was sure the weld was secure-

Then some more wheel cutting, and a lot of grinding. until this


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Then, after beadblasting and powdercoating-this is what you can have.

The fuel pressure regulator mounting is very simple-It almost seems they designed it this way, as the mounting bracket for the regulator has holes spaced perfectly for use right under the coilpack---:thumbsup:


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This is good info that someone is sure to find useful. I had to do something similar to my coil bracket to accommodate the FRPP manifold spacer.

Strange....I didn't run into any spacing issues with the Trickflow intake and the coil bracket. I suppose it is a little different than the FRPP stuff though.

Strange....I didn't run into any spacing issues with the Trickflow intake and the coil bracket. I suppose it is a little different than the FRPP stuff though.

Did you not use the phonelic intake spacer with the trick flow intake? That is the whole reason why he is doing this.

I'm thinking through this issue myslef right now. I'm actually thinking of replacing the two front studs with all-thread and a nut with some sort of spacer on the all-thread to simply give myself longer studs for mounting the coil bracket. I'm actually having problems finding grade 8 studs like the ones that came in the motor to begin with.

Did you not use the phonelic intake spacer with the trick flow intake? That is the whole reason why he is doing this.

I'm thinking through this issue myslef right now. I'm actually thinking of replacing the two front studs with all-thread and a nut with some sort of spacer on the all-thread to simply give myself longer studs for mounting the coil bracket. I'm actually having problems finding grade 8 studs like the ones that came in the motor to begin with.

No, I used the 1" phenolic spacer. I had to for proper clearance of the 45 degree Trickflow TB elbow from the passenger side valve cover.

Interesting Jon. Good work.

When I modified my bracket for the 1" spacer, I cut off the rear most tab and welded it up a little higher.

I do want you to coat stuff for me, but I am sorry to say that it may be a few years. I just can't take my X out of commission for very long. Once I have another car I will be fine with taking stuff apart for coating.

Aaahh so this is what you meant by fitting the coilpack bracket.

I'll try and remember to get this taken care of when the time comes.
