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4R55E problems, car ony moves in Reverse

don't do anything just yet. There might be a blown valve body gasket, separator or faulty EPC solenoid. You'll have to drop the pan and take a look.

The valve body was taken of today, no problems were found. The gasket looked okey, and I couldn't see anything wrong.
Where can I find info about how to check the EPC solenoid ?

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The most you could do is a resistance test. The EPC is modulated, and requires a modulated test signal to thoroughly test it.

Do you have a location of the solenoid, so I can test the correct one ?

You could unplug the bulkhead connector on the side of the transmission, and test all 6 solenoids from that point.

I guess I also could connect each one of them to 12v, and easily hear them if they are ok.

I have noe measured the resistance of each solenoid, any comments, does it seems ok ?


Finally had the courage to start the rebuild of my 4R55E.
I soon found a pretty obvious reason for my problems.





You could make a step by step how to thread if you take pictures as you rebuild it. It would be similar to the A4LD rebuild diary, but for the 4R55E.

If I had the skills, and the time to do that, I would, but unfortunately :(

let me know if you come up with anything. i have the same problem! i replace the burnt up clutch pack. i checked the gasket and it was good. replaces the valvebody and still nothing. im at the end of my rope.
