The Texas crew vs. the 1993 Convertible Explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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The Texas crew vs. the 1993 Convertible Explorer


perpetually unconcious
July 4, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
College Station, TX
Every one remember this little gem popping up a few years ago for sale, and here recently as well?



As noted by this response,
Trckmagik said:
Thanks for the great sale ;)

The Texas crew decided to steal a gander at it. Upon everyday driving, and the constant CEL, it was apparent that there was a problem. Sluggishness, bogging down, basically, a pain to even want to drive at 45mph, if it'd stay at that speed... :( Besides that, the gas milage was horrible. During much much painstaking (well, for me at least... I've learned alot more than I ever knew about the 1st gen explorer in the past 2 months) research, and other non-related problems around here, work began to get this thing running right. For some reason you just can't kill the old 4.0ohv...

After reading the codes myself (which were supposedly unreadable before we got it :rolleyes: ) we had a place to start at. Pretty much every emissions device (at least it seemed) was throwing a code. What? Open the hood to find out they are not even present on the motor. :confused: Odd, right?

As noted before we bought it, the truck had been in a flood and the motor and tranny were replaced. As it turns out, not every '93 explorer was the same (I didn't know this before). This truck was originally a california truck, with california emissions. The "new" motor was not from a california truck. This explains the emissions parts not being in place. Through more research, we figured out that the PCM and wiring harness were the original ones (with the california set-up). We ended up getting another PCM (non-cali) and did some rewiring on the wiring harness to make it all work. Apparently it could be done. Problem not entirely solved. While this looked up for a minute, the truck still ran like crap. Many headaches occured as the wiring was checked and rechecked but everything was correct. I remembered during my research that the MAF was a possible source for an O2 related CEL code. Earlier today at work, I finally remembered to grab my aftermarket MAF from the old black '91 explorer and put it into the this one and wouldn't you know, the problems were solved! No sluggishness, and for the first time the truck drove at highway speeds! The other couple of issues that are left are minor and as soon as those can get fixed, this explorer will see the roadways again legally. Ah, the joy... During all of this, I replaced a defective tire (impact break in the sidewall) which had been "fixed" by inserting a tube in the tubeless style tire with one from the old black truck.


I will try to take a pic of the wiring mods to show you what I had to do. I ended up making an excel sheet with every wire labeled for both cali and non-cali setups so I could try to keep track of it all.

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I know this is old, and, I don't expect it, but do you still have the wiring mods which you made?

Do you have an idea as to what the brake setup is?


I know this is old, and, I don't expect it, but do you still have the wiring mods which you made?

Do you have an idea as to what the brake setup is?


The wiring changes were made at the computer side kick panel. You should be able to see on the harness where I had to splice the cylinder wiring. It seemed like the CA setup controlled each cylinder individually, while the non CA did 2 sets of 3 together. I looked a little through the other thread just now. If you've replaced the motor, hopefully you were able to get a computer and wiring harness that matched just to save you the headache. I no longer have the spreadsheet or really remember offhand which wires were moved where. I might still have a ford cd iso somewhere where the differences between both setups can be figured out, but I can't say for sure. If you're using the same computer but different harness/motor, then you'll have major power issues and it'll almost bog down/lose power/wtfgoddamnit piss you off around 35-40mph. I'm glad to see you're fixing some of the suspension issues that i wanted to work on :)

I never worked on the brakes, but as you've may have figured out, I believe they were chevy. Never knew the specifics so I'm sorry about that...

God it's been so long since I've even really thought about it, so most of the specifics (which would be really helpful to you) are right outside my memory, but I'll do my best!

Wow, I just put the connection together here. The truck went from one Jon to another. How cool is that?

When I replaced the engine I used the wiring harness, upper intake, crank sensor and eventually the injectors from " your" setup on the "new" engine.

The oxygen sensors also stayed.

I may go the direction of trying to find the proper harness if I run into issues. Thanks for staying tuned.

Wow, I just put the connection together here. The truck went from one Jon to another. How cool is that?

When I replaced the engine I used the wiring harness, upper intake, crank sensor and eventually the injectors from " your" setup on the "new" engine.

The oxygen sensors also stayed.

I may go the direction of trying to find the proper harness if I run into issues. Thanks for staying tuned.

Replying in your other thread :)

I have a harness from a 93 from the computer all the way to each injector and all the other fun things if you think you need one Jon. If luck goes my way I won't be needing it.

Jonathan!! How ya doin?! Long time no see :D

Jonathan!! How ya doin?! Long time no see :D

James! Why does your avatar not surprise me? lol


Doing well enough I suppose, I'm alive!

I just found this while looking for the explorer stuff.... which I'm not having luck with


  • james phil.jpg
    james phil.jpg
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Holy crap that brings back memories. :chug:

Not much has changed, you guys rubbed off on me because now im wheelin' a 1st gen


Big Phil is still my spotter most of the time- we're headed to Moab next year. Sorry for the thread hijack. :p:
