4th Gen Explorer Pictures | Page 19 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Both vehicles enjoying each others company.


The lead up to one of the decent sized hills


Stopped right at the bottom of the above hill.


This picture doesn't do these rocks justice. They definitely shook the car back and fourth while driving over them


A pic from the trail/road that I was driving down.


A shallow mud puddle I decided to stop in to snap a pic.


And just before the rain started I decided to take it for an adventure and got her all dusty and a bit dirty


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Nice pictures! And to counteract your Explorer, I just cleaned mine yesterday. :D


Looking good!! It's hard to keep mine clean as I usually only drive it in the winter, but I got a chance to take it out this summer since dad has been using it while fixing up his X.

Looking good!! It's hard to keep mine clean as I usually only drive it in the winter, but I got a chance to take it out this summer since dad has been using it while fixing up his X.


I can understand why it's hard to keep clean. I know cars get a lot dirtier up in Ontario than they do here, and there are more gravel roads because of what the winter does to asphalt. We drive up there every year because my mom is from Aurora, about 30 minutes away from Toronto and my grandparents still live there. :D

Come to Ottawa, the salt using capital of the freaking world. We get 1/4 inch of snow and the salt trucks are out there dumping that **** everywhere. I make a couple trip to Toronto a year and well, not really my favorite place but at least the drivers there are predictable unlike Ottawa where they are unpredictable and terrible.

here is my new toy.

waiting on lowering kit and frame hider mouldings

Looks nice, though I am a little iffy on the wheels. :D

Yeah not a big fan of the wheels, but to each their own. Looks pretty sweet otherwise though.

here is my new toy.

waiting on lowering kit and frame hider mouldings

Nice X :thumbsup: What size are the wheels? 22" right? and... what kind of kit are you bought?

I like it, the way it sits now looks good to me. Not a big fan of lowering SUV's-but I have definitely seen some (on this website for sure) that look decent lowered.

New tires. 265/50/20 Nitto Terra grapplers



wow. for explorer looks great with the wheels and tires. what kind of rims (rim name) are this (made by ford)? I thinking if getting some wheels later on.

Those are Ford wheels, put on the Adrenalines. Sadly they were mounted with wheel weights on the lips and will peel/deteriorate within 6 months... They are one of the few stock wheels that look incredible in my opinion. Tires look great too although I would have went wider/taller.

here is my new toy.

waiting on lowering kit and frame hider mouldings

Get the roof rack back on, lol

BTW, keep them comin guys.

Get your new differential in. :D

Na, haven't even ordered them yet.. trying to find a cheap shop. I'll order them tomorrow though. Can't wait!







^Looks better already. Keep it up.

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Trac, great lookin Trac! Dig the ST logo's!
