TMH Hardware.....use THESE instead | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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TMH Hardware.....use THESE instead


Explorer Addict
March 14, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Bremerton, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 Explorer XL
I have gone through a few gaskets on my TMH's. I've had the flanges checked for flatness, and they are fine.....

Part of the problem with installing them, is how nearly impossible it is to get to some of the bolts, and how long it takes to get them torqued down, due to the routing of the primaries....

While upgrading a few parts on my Explorer, I started to look into OTHER options for hardware...

I bought these:

They are from ARP, part number 400-1110. They are a Stainless Steel, 3/8" thread, with a 5/16" 6-pt. head on them. It doesn't seem like a big difference, but it buys you a TON of room when you go to tighten the bolts up.

From Header OFF, to bolted on a took about 10 minutes!

Problem SOLVED
Buy them from Jegs for $39.99


Buy them from Summit for $38.95

*Note, Jegs has the correct picture for the hardware, while Summit Racing uses a generic picture of a standard 3/8" bolt with a 12pt. head...although it does note that the image they are using does not represent the actual part you are buying.


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And here is a shot of a socket...YES, a REAL socket!....on THE MOST IMPOSSIBLE bolt to get to...

And if you notice on the previous pictures, those aren't just wrenches....those are RATCHETING WRENCHES....that I fit in there.



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Damn, 10 minutes? Bremerton can't be that far from Calgary. Road trip? :D

Seriously though, I've got a set of Percy's gaskets I'd love to give a go to some day. Those bolts look like a great upgrade.

Since you've swapped out gaskets more than once, what pointers do you recommend to loosening up the headers and sliding in new gaskets. I'm always so nervous about work like this because if I screw it up, I'm car less.

In your experience, what gaskets do you recommend and why?

Nice write up.

Loosen up the Header collector...

Pull the Tire, Pull the Plastic Inner Fender (I already had those off, so that is not included in the 10 minutes)

Disconnect the steering shaft....that will allow you pull the header back far enough. Have a 2nd person slide the gasket in place, while you start the bolts from the fender well.

The Ford Racing gaskets are the best ones I've found....although they will still fail if you can't tighten the bolts, which has always been the problem.



Thanks for the pointers.

I may score the bolts just to swap them out. I checked my bolts recently and all are pretty tight from my Kansas adventure two summers ago. Only one that wasn't was one on #4 that was a ***** to reach.

I should probably leave well enough alone except I'm dealing with an elusive cause for a P1151 code that as been driving me crazy and it might be gasket related.

Thanks dude.


P.s. Bremerton is about 750 miles from Calgary. We've been meaning to visit friends in Vancouver, WA. Might be a good excuse to come see that *****in' 1st gen of yours.:D

I am 1 ferry ride from Victoria....or 1 Border Crossing, THEN a Ferry ride from Vancouver...


I am 1 ferry ride from Victoria....or 1 Border Crossing, THEN a Ferry ride from Vancouver...


Actually the most efficient way from Calgary to Seattle area is via the Idaho Panhandle, then Spokane and over.

Ya never know. ;)


I KNOW it takes anywhere from 6 hrs, to 8 hrs to install these headers start to finish....if you are starting with the OEM Manifolds. This hardware ALONE, will shave about an hour off your install time....MAYBE more...

If you already have TMH's,. then you have ALL cursed the primary tube to bolt clearance in a few locations..


I'm suprised nobody has done this before, OR HAVE THEY? And this is old news, and I am excited for no reason.

OR is it just that nobody else is interested in this...


i used some with Allen Head they work good, next time i will mix and match with the 5/16 head and some allen head. Thanks for the info!!!

blah! i have been saying it for years. you guys with 5L's suck. now that i have my hands on one, you guys with TMH's suck! ;)

I found a place here in Calgary that carries ARP stuff. I may pay them a visit this coming weekend.

You are my hero! Subscribed

I still prefer to buy from Summit. Amazon is fine, but I live in WA and I would pay sales tax PLUS shipping. So until they fix the interstate tax loophole, I'll keep buying elsewhere...

If you already have TMH's,. then you have ALL cursed the primary tube to bolt clearance in a few locations..


I'm suprised nobody has done this before, OR HAVE THEY? And this is old news, and I am excited for no reason.

OR is it just that nobody else is interested in this...


Sorry just saw this for the first time

I for one did not curse the bolt issue since the Humboldt/Topeka Crew did the Install :p:

But so far so good no leaks and no issues with the Gaskets.

Where were you about a month ago when I put mine in? I don't think I have ever linked that many profanities in a row as I did trying to tighten some of those bolts. I will be getting some of those if I ever have to pull those headers off again. Thanks, you are my new hero.

Sorry just saw this for the first time

I for one did not curse the bolt issue since the Humboldt/Topeka Crew did the Install :p:

But so far so good no leaks and no issues with the Gaskets.

No kidding, it wasn't even your mounty then:p:

For TMH with GT40P heads My ceramic boot plug wires are the way to go NO MORE BURT BOOTS { JMO }

Thanks for the info...Another call to Summit, for bolts and ceramic boot wires...
What about the stud for the oil dipstick tube?

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Thanks for the info...Another call to Summit, for bolts and ceramic boot wires...
What about the stud for the oil dipstick tube?

u have to order coil boots and they dont have the at summit. They are EDIS boots $16 for 10 and DT7B-HB Distributor Terminal $ 3.75 for 10 Hope this helps. The ceramic plug wire boots work great for me.;)
